3 Mar 2025

3.03.2025 Going the wrong way.


 Monday 3rd 39F/4C. Overcast. Expected to reach 7C/44F today. Trees moving in the wind. [10-12m/s gusts.]

 Up at 6.15 after a disturbed night. No immediate plans. I have to lift the heavy telescope mounting and lower it to the ground. It probably weighs a couple of hundred kilos. 

 The big stepladder is still trapped inside the building. Which blocks access for the mounting to safely reach the ground. There are some major steps to take before I can proceed with serious demolition of the building. I have been rehearsing it all in my head. As usual. 

 7.30 The clouds are breaking up to the NW. I have sorted my 7 kinds of medication into the daily dispenser. Two kinds need renewal. 

 8.00 Time for a walk.

 9.00 42F/5.6C. Brightening. Back again. I walked the "wrong way" down the road. Up the steep track to the forest on the hill. Turned left and back down by the edge of the muddy prairie. It took me an hour. I never even became breathless on the climb. 

 I saw three deer grazing. The westerly wind was cold again. The image above shows the undulating nature of the landscape. The distant phone mast, on the right, is only 8km/5 miles away. The nearer, on the left, is 3km/2 miles away.

 I brought the twin recycling bins back from the corner. They had been stabled so neatly I didn't believe they had been emptied. They are usually shoved haphazardly towards the hedge and left at random. Is this sudden diplomacy an attempt to get us to fill all the potholes in the drive? A change of staff on this round?

 12.30 I spent the entire morning dismantling the big telescope mounting. Now I have the first heavy lift. I had the chain hoist and the ladder A-frame arranged. With ratchet strap guy-lines for stability. There wasn't enough lift distance. So I am recovering my strength over lunch before trying again. 

 Two Red kites have been circling over the garden. With a harrier just a little higher watching them. None of them seemed bothered by my rattling about in the observatory.      

 14.00 The massive mounting is now on the observatory floor. It needs to be down on the ground. I may remove some of the flooring to get a straight shot down to the ground floor. Or dismantle the mounting further. Each component would then be much more manageable. It is very bulky as one unit and won't want to drop through the joists in its current form.

 15.00 Dismantled and brought individually down the stepladder to the ground floor. I am hot and tired now. I need a rest!

 Dinner was a fry up. Sausage, mushrooms and tweggs.



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