28 Feb 2025

28.02.2025 Gardening? Surely not?


  Friday 28th 34F/1C [6.40] A cool, grey day with a northerly wind.

 6.40 Up at 4.15. I woke up at 4am and started worrying about downsizing. 

 I have just measured my blood pressure. The lowest, of three, taken at 5 minute rest intervals, was 114/70 with a pulse of 44 bpm. Which seems reasonable. I got the stove going again from the embers with some kindling.

 9.20 Woke from an hour's catch-up nap. 

10.30 I was desperate to find a reason for a ride. Even though it isn't very warm. [36F/2C] Then I spotted the brambles from the bathroom window! I am going to get a metal blade for my DeWalt strimmer/trimmer. Google tells me they are stocked at the nearest builder's merchants. So off I go. 

 12.15 Back from a 29km ride to the builder's merchant. It was cold going both ways. My hands were very cold again. My eyes and nose streaming. Returning with a three pronged blade for the strimmer, new hearing defenders and safety glasses. The strimmer, even with its heavy duty, reinforced nylon line was unable to make any impact on the tough bramble stems. So I'll try the blade instead. It looked good on YouTube.

 Oh dear! Wrong model. The blade fits the next two, more expensive models. 571 & 581. Not my 561.  The 571 would cost me another £250 equivalent without batteries or charger. For very little real gain. I dragged out a long pole, mains hedge clipper. It could manage the thinner bramble stems but weighed a ton. We bought it years ago. For when the hedges were well beyond human reach.

 I turned my attention to my late wife's flower bed. Rather surprisingly there were four Buddleias in leaf amidst the impenetrable thatch. I had planted these myself. I spent an hour clearing the dead material. Much of it rosebay willowherb. Those which would not pull straight out were given a haircut. With the gutless, DeWalt strimmer. It is only good enough for medium length grass on borders. Hopeless on anything thicker than a matchstick.

 It took half an hour to catch up on the washing up before dinner. 

 Which was mashed potato, peas and fried chicken bits.







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