Sunday 23rd 39F/4C [8.15] Overcast and misty.
Up at 7am after a quiet night. Feeling hot again. 65F/18C in the room.
8.30 Time for a walk.
9.15 Back from a walk to the lanes. The mist was probably a little over 150m silhouette level. The trees were raining on me as I passed underneath. Great tits and greenfinches were beeping in the trees and hedges.
There is a new level of insane laziness on the Danish roads today. Recent cars have no rear lights showing. Though 24 hour headlights remain a legal requirement in Denmark. Guess what? Those who can afford a modern car need not engage their brains in thick mist. Instead of switching on rear fog lights and quarter lights for safety. They now drive around with no rear lights showing at all!
So they lose at least 100m of live saving visibility. To cars catching them up in thick mist. Because no matter how fast these idiots drive in thick mist. There will always be some lunatic driving even faster. Witness all the tire tracks on the grass verges this morning. As they overshot the blind corners in their insane blindness. The icing on the cake was the empty bottle of Jack Daniels thrown into a field.
Another lazy morning on YT. I don't feel like doing anything. Though I did a bit of tidying. Took a recycling bin along the drive. Used up another spray bottle of bathroom cleaner from yesteryear. On the bathroom. I'll leave it to do its worst before following up. I moved the fridge next to the recycling cupboard. Having a gap between them was pointless. The fridge had been quite noisy until then but fell silent. Watered the plants. I ought to go for a ride after lunch.
15.30 Going for a ride to another shopping village.
16.30 41F/5C. Heavily overcast. Back from a 20km ride with shopping. On the way there I met a severely ill, mental out-patient driving a car. The raving lunatic was at the far end of a light controlled roadworks of some 200 meters. I passed the green light and pedaled furiously to get through the filter quickly. So as not to impede the oncoming traffic. I was averaging 35kph. Over 20mph. So the lights were not being generous with their timing.
It seems the deranged moron was prevented from pulling into the single lane by 0.003 seconds. As the lights changed in their favour just as I passed at speed. So they promptly had a nervous breakdown. They blasted the horn and leaned on it for several seconds. Despite my having already cleared their path.
How would they have coped had I been an ordinary, perhaps elderly cyclist averaging only around 8-10kph? Would they have climbed out of their car and beaten this poor cyclist to a pulp? Serious anger management issues I assume. I just hope they don't take it out on anybody innocent at home. Assuming they have managed to breed. Despite their severe, mental handicap.It was unpleasantly cold and breezy going both ways. My fingers were aching in my gloves again. Though the rest of me was fine.
Dinner was grilled sardines on toast with halved cherry tomatoes. Not burnt.
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