Tuesday 11th 33F/0.6C [7.30] Overcast and increasingly windy from the east. Some sunshine possible.Up at 6.30 after waking earlier. Several times. Otherwise a quiet night but with weird dreams. Short term nosebleed. Too cold and windy for a ride today. While the car is untrustworthy.
2/3 of a trailer full stacked against the wall. Any sunshine helps to dry out the logs further. The split logs are housed in huge heaps in a large and draughty open sided barn at the supplier. Ideal for natural drying.
9.25 Back from a walk. The wind was roaring in the trees as they swayed. I wore my Ventile winter jacket. It is completely windproof and comfortably warm in harsh conditions. The down sweater stayed at home. While the Karrimor neck sleeve stopped the draughts. The GripGrab winter gloves were too cold yet again.
A large tractor was slashing the hedges. Managing a walking pace. I crossed the road to avoid holding him up. There was very little traffic this morning. I stopped to watch and we exchanged a wave.
It doesn't look like much but there are five large wheelbarrows full on the floor. Scrap plywood protects the greenhouse glass. I save the small pieces of wood as kindling. It is handy to revive a fire that has all but burnt down to ashes.
Brief glimpses of the sun between the clouds. Much more visible now I have reached home. The room rose from 60 to 66F [15-19C] while I was out. Thanks to a large log on the stove.
I used to split these oversized logs. My new source provides shorter logs. Which allows them to go easily through the stove door. To be placed exactly where I want them. Rather than jamming at an angle between the fire bricks. Large logs last much longer and useful to keep the stove going while I am out.
12.00 36F/2C. Continuous sunshine but a strong and cold wind. I had a look under the bonnet of the Morris. One hose clamp was not tightened at all. Between the air cleaner and the engine block breather/oil separator. Is this likely to have had any affect on the mixture? Unknown until I have a test drive. I also refilled the oil in the carburettor cap. There was some oil on the piston but none visible in the well. I checked all the electrical connections and waggled all the ignition leads with the engine running. No change.
13.15 Returned from a tootle around the rural block. The engine backfired as I pulled away but soon settled down. I need more logs. Only about a week left at current consumption. The weather might change to snow and make the roads more difficult. Worth the risk to drive up there with the trailer?
15.30 I have collected a trailer full of logs and drove them home. After parking the trailer outside the greenhouse I brought them all in using a wheelbarrow. Stacking as many against the house as I could. Without blocking the windows. The rest were piled loosely on the greenhouse floor.After using the last of the previous load I shall take the new logs from the floor first. They go straight into the strong plastic baskets. Which I use for moving them indoors. This avoids double handling. One of the baskets can be seen on top of the wheelbarrow.
I am aiming for scrambled eggs on toast for dinner. Well, it's a plan.
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