Thursday 27th 32F/0C. Overcast. A cool, grey day with an easterly wind.The Morris is covered in white frost and the windows iced over.
Up at 6.45 after a very quiet night. Cooking class this morning. I hope the Morris behaves itself. I built and maintained a mini based, kit car for years in the UK. Replacing almost literally everything myself. Engine, gearbox, differential, brakes, distributor, suspension, cooling system, hand built front facing radiator, carburetors, K&N filters, belt drive to sports camshaft, fuel system, stainless steel, braided hoses throughout, inlet and exhaust manifolds, 2" rally exhaust, oil cooler, rally seats, racing rear sub-frame, with Spax coil-over, gas struts, full harnesses, roll cage. All done on a very tight budget.
I completely rewired the car twice. When a new, plastic covered loom later became available. To replace the cloth wrapped, 1960s original. Back then the Mini was popular and there were plenty of spares and upgraded components on the market. That was over 40 years ago.
It was basically the same engine but with a different, transverse gearbox to front wheel drive. So I should be able to get the Morris running better than it has. The problem seems to be the quality and design of common electrical and ignition components. Originals may be over 50 years old. Replacements are probably made in Asia. Possibly to suit the different requirements of electronic ignition, fuel injection and cost cutting. Now we have the Internet and YouTube. As well as the Haynes Manual. With its often pathetic, picture quality.
14.00 Returned from cooking class. Where I made a complex soup of multiple vegetables and coconut milk. Lots of preparation, dicing everything small. So it could be blended in the huge saucepan. It seemed popular. Everybody had seconds.
I felt very tired for some reason when I got back. So I had a nap. The car behaved itself. Except for a couple of worrying moments. When it suddenly died but restarted itself in a fraction of a second.
No dinner required because I had eaten so well at lunch time.
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