26 Feb 2025

26.02.2025 Nuts!


 Wednesday 26th 39F/4C. Overcast and misty again. Mostly dry but very high humidity.

 Up at 7.20 after drifting for hours. Physio after lunch. The new freezer is at -22C again. The lower than expected temperatures are freezing the oven chips together. Luckily the ten minutes warm up time for the new oven. Gives me time to let them defrost slightly before they go in. So I can separate the clumps of chips and spread them out. I solved the weird twisting of the baking tray. I twisted the cold tray in my bare hands to relieve the tension.

 9,20 Back from a walk to the lanes. The traffic was unusually quiet on the way. More normal on my return. Still misty.

 I spent some time cleaning and checking the Morris. I cleaned the wheels with rainwater. They were filthy. Out of three, tubular, wheel nut spanners. Which I found in the toolkit in the boot. None fitted! So I fetched a long 1/2" drive socket wrench and an 18mm socket. I'll buy a long handled, telescopic driver. To make life easier if I ever have to remove a wheel on the side of the road. 18mm seems not to be a standard wheel nut size. Most are listed as 17/19mm.  

 16.00 Returned from physio class. That went well but was hard work. 

 I visited a couple of Morris Minor contacts on the way home. The first gave me lots of advice. Based on decades of specializing in Morris Minor repair and restoration. The second kindly gave me a free starter crank with a wheel nut socket on the end. So that I could turn the engine over slowly enough to set the points.

 The points seem to have been set very close. Or had closed over time. I opened them to the recommended gap. The engine started normally afterwards but will need a run to confirm any change or improvement. Cooking class tomorrow. So it will get a good outing.

 Dinner was another weird omelette. Sausage, mushrooms and three eggs. Aided and abetted by baked beans. I poured the whisked eggs over the fried, sausage and mushrooms. Then turned the whole lot onto a plate after a few minutes. To give the second side a chance to cook. It was fine but there was nowhere for the beans except a side plate.



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