Tuesday 4th 36F/2C. Overcast.Up at 7.45 after falling asleep repeatedly from 6am.
Finished off tidying the plumbing in the bathroom. The stain on the tiles hasn't moved.
Shower first and then off to visit my friend. In the Morris I think.
12.30 Back from visiting my friend. The Morris mostly behaved itself. With the engine missing every now and then. I visited two charity shops on the way home. No suitable bathroom furniture.
13.20 The overcast is clearing slightly to watery brightness. I plan to visit some more charity shops this afternoon. To look for a bathroom cabinet or cupboard. There are at least two more shops with a furniture department.
15.40 Returned from a tour of three charity shops. The fourth was closed. None had a useful cupboard for the bathroom. Many road are closed due to building work and district heating expansion.
16.15 Only 58F/14C in the room. I have lit the stove.
I was advised to try Oxy cleaner and have left the foam sitting on the stain on the bathroom tiles.Dinner was the second, organic pork chop, mushrooms and tweggs. I gave the chop 15 minutes this time at medium heat. Turning at about 3 minute intervals. It was less "juicy" than last night but only a little tougher. The edges of the meat had lost their pink tinge of the first few turns. Which I was using as a rough guide.
I preferred the longer fry of tonight. The meat was not burnt because of the slightly lower heat. I used a setting of 4 instead of yesterday's 5 on the large hotplate. The eggs were flipped over and remained runny after five minutes total cooking time. So I call this a success. I finished off with a bread roll.
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