8 Feb 2024

8.02.2024 More snow?!?


 Thursday 8th 30F/-1C. Everything is white again! Up at 6.45 after a reasonable night.

 8.30 59F/15C in the room. Bright sunshine and clear but a dusting of overnight snow. Perhaps half an inch or 10mm? I was supposed to be visiting my English friend. Even considering a ride on the Moustache e-bike. However, the local headlines suggest that the roads on Fyn are very icy. With multiple accidents. This situation should improve once the sun gets high enough to matter. 

 Time for a walk. To see the flooding from the other side. Just waiting for the stove to confirm it will behave itself when left to its own devices.

 9.10 The snow proved to be coarsely granular and noisy underfoot. The roads have probably been salt sprayed. Icy everywhere else. Yesterday's flooding on the new pasture had miraculously vanished. The high tide mark. Where it had washed over the old drive. Was still to be seen. As a curving arc of larch needles and very fine twigs. The major flooding on the back field was ice and snow covered. The drainage beck has dropped to normal levels. The wind was too light to be noticeable.

 January in Denmark was another record warm month after ten warmer months in a row. The global average temperature has already broken the +1.5C barrier. Decades before it was supposed to happen. The US is seriously considering adding a category 6 to the existing hurricane scale. Large swathes of the world are suffering from historic levels of drought. Or record breaking heatwaves. Others have record breaking floods from unprecedented rainfall. Or record low temperatures and/or record snowfall. The monsoons can no longer be relied upon. Nor the crops they provided for billions.

 Economic refugees are still hardly a trickle yet. Not compared with the coming climate exodus from the tropics. Every southern border will soon require its own army. Just to repel the desperate, starving hoards. Each wave will have to climb a mountain of dead bodies. Only to be mown down by the robotic machine guns. Most will die of starvation and heat exhaustion before they reach the promised land. 

 Our global, political and economic system is run by crooks, narcissists and sociopaths. Professional liars regardless of their and our affliction. We numpties vote for them based on their scriptwriters lies and the absence of truth. As son as they get any power they become dictators.

 15.15  36F/2C. Very cloudy. 62F/17C in the room. Returning from visiting my English friend. I drove into the blinding sun in the Morris. Despite worries about salted roads. 

 The snow had all but gone on the way back. Except on north facing slopes. Or those in deep shade. I saw some birds of prey and several deer. There were hundreds of swans out on the fields. Lots of flooding on the fields too. From puddles to vast lakes.

 Up to 6"/15cm of snow is expected tomorrow.

 Dinner was chicken, mushrooms and two fried eggs. Let's not forget the two tomatoes. Just to make it healthy. The eggs were slightly overdone. I was afraid to turn them over until it was too late. There was no free oil left to baste the yolks.


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