28 Feb 2024

28.02.2024 AI has [human] shit for brains?


 Wednesday 28th 36F/2C. Overcast and breezy. Early rain is promised.

 Up at 5.50 after a restless night. Feeling a bit achy after yesterday's ride. 

 Museum day. I'll probably get enough exercise there to avoid a morning walk. I'll go in the old car.

 It seems Google AI is having serious problems. With human bias, conspiracy theory and drooling idiocy corrupting its answers to text prompts. Its text to image generator is painting German WW2 soldiers as black or Asian. Which is more than slightly absurd. Even by woke standards.

 It seems that the Internet training data, on which AI feasts, is hideously biased. So much so that it takes an unbiased [?] human to intervene. The latter, I understand, are in rather short supply. Not quite what AI promises, is it? 

 There seems to be no easy way out. The AI would need the entire history of mankind to guide it. Much of which is nationalistic, religious dictatorship, misogynistic, racist, economically or politically skewed. It is also constantly updated. As morals, societal norms and wars alter our perceived, collective reality. What was acceptable, only a few short years ago, is now hilariously or hideously outdated. Except for slavery and misogyny. Both of which are still widely accepted in backward countries.

 Influencers are now untouchable cult leaders. With nobody questioning their vile corruption. It seems that these evil narcissists are peddling ever more dangerous products and habits onto their worshipping followers. With corrupt businesses queuing up to sponsor these virtual dictators. 

 Where will it all end? Starvation cults? Surely not? That would be silly. Only religious cult leaders can get away with that. Again and again. There's none so dumb, as shit for brains, followers. Ask any dictator, witch doctor, bully or mafia boss.

 14.15  58F/14C in the room. I have lit the stove. 

Back from the museum.Where I helped to lay a new loft floor in a barn. Now half completed but not shown. The picture, of the inside of the old, thatched roof, was taken from the new, raised viewpoint.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast.



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