10 Feb 2024

10.02.2024 And then there was [1] light.


  Saturday 10th 35F/1.7C. Showers are promised. With the easterly wind continuing. It looks as if the overnight rain has already depleted yesterday's snow. There is little snow left on the cars. Still some lying on the ground.

 7.30. Up at 6.30. 60F/16C in the room feels cold. I'll light the stove next.

 7.45 Heavily overcast. Light enough to see outside now. Lots of snow still lying. Footprints all over the western lawn. [?] I had a look from above, through the balcony windows. While the footprints are quite large they are close together. Probably just cats leaving footprints. Which then expand because the snow is so wet. The hedges and trees are all moving in the wind.

 9.15 65F/18C in the room. I have just returned from a short walk. Wet snow, slush and puddles everywhere. With an icy topping of a cold easterly wind. The remaining snow is mostly on the grass. I wore ankle length rubber boots. To avoid wetting shoes or boots unnecessarily. Still overcast but no rain so far.

 13.00 The snow is vanishing rapidly. I have run a cable through the wall to one greenhouse light. It just needs the power off so I can connect into the existing junction box. Lunch first.

 14.00 The new light is working. It is the only one I really need to collect logs after dark. It won't be long before it is dark enough to see how much light it provides. The rest are probably just gilding the lily. I won't know until it is dark. 

 Meanwhile I can consider the best way to power further lights. Without a mess of cables. I had to pull my bed out to drill through the wall from indoors. It sounds easy but the bed and the pocket sprung mattress each weigh a ton! 

 The new light is more than adequate for fetching logs at night. Not many logs left again! More lights would not seem so mean. Even for a hovel. The surroundings need a serious makeover. 

 The windowsills were never fitted when I replaced the windows. Far too long ago to remember why. Probably a disagreement over the materials to be used. My self taught, DIY skills were never quite up to scratch. Leading to many arguments and abandoned projects. 

 The house was originally a poor quality conversion of an agricultural building. Most the houses in the area were once much smaller and all were thatched. There is an aerial photograph of the hamlet in the 1950s at the top of the page. Things have changed almost beyond recognition. I replaced the roof twice. The last time after a great storm damaged the first. 

 New windows, doors, dormers, glazed gable end, floors, plumbing, heating systems, drainage, insulation, bathroom, greenhouse and kitchen, tiles everywhere. These are only the most obvious changes. Always working alone. Electrical work was left to the white van pirates.

 Even so, it would be all but impossible to sell the house even now. I am too old and unmotivated to do the necessary cosmetic work myself. What would I gain?  Houses spend years seeking new owners around here. If by some outside chance the house actually sold. They would just make me pay double for the old people's home.

 19.00 Time to think about making some dinner. I'll save the chicken for Sunday dinner tomorrow. Have beans on toast. Or fish fingers, peas and chips! Again? Eeny meany miny mo. 

 The clue lies in the image. It could have been Fettuccine pasta but I would probably have resented the wetness of the tinned tomatoes on the breadcrumbs. 



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