3 Feb 2024

3.02.2024 House MD on prescription from Netflix.


 Saturday 3rd 43F/6C. Sunshine but windy again. Will he get out on his e-bike today? Up at 7.40 after another restless night. I keep waking up from highly realistic dreams with unrealistic content. I blame the scriptwriter!

 I have given up drinking anything after 5.30. I am also taking vitamin D in the morning. I keep having lower back pain after a long stretch without. Too many hours on the computer? Too little exercise? Do I need a doctor?

9.00 62F/17C in the room. It doesn't feel too uncomfortable.  I'll light the stove when I get back from my walk.

 9.40 Back again. The wind made it feel colder than it really is. Though not strong enough to make cycling impossible. I thought I heard a skylark but it was off into the sun. Or rather the brightly lit clouds. I didn't have to go far before the back pain was gone. 

 I must overcome my lethargy. To avoid completely wasting another day. I can't even make up my mind where to site the wall lights in the greenhouse. The windows aren't evenly spaced. Should I have a light above each pillar of bricks between them? That will reflect and scatter more light. Than having one light above each window. 

 10.00 Morning coffee over. The sun is cutting through the clouds. The house is full of light instead of perpetually dark. With the greenhouse slowly creeping up in temperature. I won't bother with lighting the stove if I am going out. Let the greenhouse provide some warmth. 

  10.30 Variable cloud. E-bike ready and I am dressed for a modest ride. Padded shorts and layers. Showerproof Endura jacket. A variety of gloves will give me a chance to compare them. I'll probably go into town. A round trip of 20 miles plus any unnecessary meandering. I have wiped the Proofide grease off the Brooks B67 saddle. It didn't seem to have sunk in after several days. Merely remained shiny on the surface of the rock hard leather. 

 13.15 Back from a ride into town. 31.5km/19miles. Cool and windy. Mostly cloudy. Saw lots of birds of prey. The saddle was okay. I was just beginning to notice it as I reached home. Thinnest gloves fine. The room is at 61F/16C. The greenhouse at 73F/23C. I bought some small, square electrical junction boxes with plain closure plates.

 14.00 The greenhouse reached the high 78F/26C. So I opened the greenhouse doors to the room and kitchen. Both rooms remain stubbornly at 62F/17C. The sun is repeatedly hidden by cloud. I hung up a common bin bag in the sunshine in the hall and it quickly reached 40C. 

 The exterior of the southern house wall in the greenhouse is painted white. Layers of it. It is reading only 20C in full sunshine. Which isn't going to warm the house by very much. The interior of the same wall is only reading 14C/57F at waist height.

 14.45 The room and kitchen have crept up to 63F/17C. It needs a black absorber panel to gain the temperature required to warm the house with the sun.

 Dinner was a salad. With two poached eggs, tomatoes, sliced heart lettuce, cucumber, grated mature cheddar, grated carrots and tuna. Not necessarily in that order. 

Netflix is being boring. Now I have to watch 8 seasons of House MD. 8x22 = A lot! Wish me luck!


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