21 Feb 2024

21.02.2024 A minor trailer for the Morris?


  Wednesday 21st 41F/5.6C. Lots of small, fuzzy clouds. Promise of sunshine in the forecast. Museum day. I'll probably go in the Morris Minor.

 7.45 62F/17C in the room. Up at 6.45 after a reasonable night. Woke in the dark from weird dreams.

 I have had another idea about cars and my shrinking need for two. The old car is costing far too much to keep going. Its main purpose is providing the pulling power for the trailer. Scrapping this car would leave me with the Morris Minor. Which has much less pulling power and poorer brakes. 

 If I buy a new, but much smaller trailer, then the Minor shouldn't struggle. It is not only logs I need to fetch but trips to the recycling yard. Occasional shopping trips for recycled furniture. There is also the need to be rid of garden waste and to fetch gravel to repair the drive.  

 I was looking at Brenderup's smallest trailer. With mesh, add-on side panels. A matching tarpaulin cover will ensure the contents remain dry. I was given a price for the 1170 S yesterday. By a trailer specialist I happened to pass on my e-bike ride. When I got home I discovered the model he offered is discontinued. I looked it up on he manufacturer's website and to check prices. Nobody else lists the 1170 S for sale. So it must be some time since it was a current model. 

 Later models have a folding tow bar triangle and body tipping. Which would allow it to be more easily stored on end. Instead of constantly gathering rainwater in the PVC cover and deteriorating. I could probably sell my old trailer for a couple of hundred pounds equivalent. It is a good size but over two decades old. And looks it. I replaced the base board quite recently but I can't undo twenty years of standing outside. 

 8.10 Weak sunshine. I had better shower and dress for my weekly stint of manual, modern slavery. 😄

 12.30 Returned from the farm museum. Where I helped in various situations.

 14.30 I have been trying to use the greenhouse to warm indoors. Unfortunately the sun has been veiled. The greenhouse was at 66F while indoors struggled to reach 63F.

 Dinner was broccoli with fish fingers.



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