4 Jul 2022

4.07.2022 It only hurts when I limp.


 Monday 4th 61F Sunny start but cloud is promised. Woke at 4am but dozed until 6.00.

 Early shower. No morning walk. I plan to visit the doctor's surgery. To see if the nurse will look at my leg wounds. Just to check that nothing more needs to be done. I am more worried about infection than disfigurement ending my modelling career. Then I have to be back at home in time for the official visitor. 

 10.00 66F. Breezy with sunny periods. Just returning from the doctor's surgery. A trainee doctor checked my leg first. Then I had a tetanus jab and the nurse rinsed the lower wound to check for debris. There wasn't any. Now safely fitted with a huge dressing. Placed on the diagonal like a pink diamond. With instructions to leave it in place for three days. Or until  my leg drops off. Whichever comes first. The dressing is bound to slow my pedalling cadence. Now I just have time to vacuum the hall carpet before the visitor arrives. 

 12.00 70F.  Windy, with sunshine and showers. The visit went rather well. A rare chance to talk to another human being face to face. I may be heading for a voluntary position at a local, farm museum. Subject to a visit and discussion with the supervisor. Just an attempt to get me socialising more and better integrated. I can't quite see myself doing guided tours with stalks of hay sticking out of a floppy, straw hat. While pointing out the finer details with wood-wormed, pitch fork in a thick, country accent. In reality, I haven't a clue what would be involved in the volunteer force at this point.

14.00 Just finished a late lunch. I went to collect my re-repaired chainsaw. Rather surprisingly they didn't want more than the original charge for cleaning and checking. The saw looks almost brand new! More importantly, it works again! Amazon rain forest, here I come!

18.30 65F. Still windy but briefly sunny. Now considering dinner: I'm probably going with cheese on toast. With baked halved tomatoes as a bold garnish, tomato soup and a wholemeal, bread roll. Just to pretend my sumptuous feast has several courses. Man cannot live by wholemeal rolls alone. But he can jolly well try.

 As you were! I have had cheese on toast twice in the last week. I haven't had fish fingers in over a week. Now you know why I post pictures of my dinners. I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to my evening meals. Fish fingers, tinned chopped tomatoes and baked beans. I bought mushrooms as well. So I could have a mushroom omelette instead. If only I knew how! Fish fingers, mushrooms and tinned tomatoes? Forget the beans.

 The old, sliced bread was green again. Fortunately my shopping list "write it down while it is still fresh in the mind" came to the rescue. The difference between fulfilment and hunger is but a working Biro and a microsecond. Burp!


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