28 Jul 2022

28.07.2022 28 miles and I still returned empty handed.


 Thursday 28th 50F, calm, sunny and cloudy. [at 7am] Up at 5.45. Aching back and shoulders from yesterday's exertions. The wood-cement boards on the sloping ceiling have stayed up overnight. My thanks go again to my helpful friend. Without whom it would never have happened. Thank you.

7.00 Time for a walk to loosen up those muscles. 

 7.30-8.40. A racing cyclist, out training, was holding up a string of traffic. An articulated lorry couldn't get past. A large, brown hedgehog had waited for the traffic to pass. Then scampered across the road in front of me on tip-toe.

I walked on down to the village and then along the marsh track. Which [unusually] had just been mown. To remove the weeds which might get harvested. Hundreds of ducks took off from the pond on a signal from the resident heron. Back along a more distant lane. To the village. Where I saw the farmer who complains about my going "off road." Then home. 159 pictures so far. My aching back was soon cured once I started walking.

 9.20 59F. Overcast with sunny periods. I have run out of salad cream. An 8 mile distant shop sells it according to their website. I was going to ride there on my trike. Though I'd better give them a ring first to save  a wasted journey.

14.30.  It was  wasted journey. All their stock was 5 months out of date! New stock promised for next Wednesday. A small bottle costs 35DKK. £4 equivalent!! £1.70 at Sainsbury's.  I made a bit of a ride of it for 28 miles total. Visiting every shop on my route in the vain hope of finding some Heinz Salad Cream. I have searched online but it isn't advertised as a stock item anywhere else in Denmark. 

 19.00 After a late lunch and a couple of hours in the observatory I put up two more wood-cement boards. It was a simple matter of propping the board up on a couple of planks of suitable height. I added a suede hat to the top plank. To protect the board from cosmetic damage. 

 Once I was happy with the tightness of the fit I screwed the boards to the 25x100mm battens. The 40mm Torx screws are large headed, domed and painted to match the boards. It takes some care to avoid pulling the heads below the surface of the boards.

 The 45º sloping ceiling is very difficult to photograph. I couldn't get far enough away. Not even when crouching on the floor with the TZ7 at full wide angle. I have twisted the camera to make the window upright. Which threw off the horizontal.

 Dinner was salad with the usual additions. Tuna and poached egg.


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