11 Jul 2022

11.07.2022 Bathroom makeover [almost] complete.


Monday 11th 53F. Calm and very cloudy with blue in between. We are promised a full, sunny day. Up at 6am. 

7.00 The cloud is moving away to the SE. Time for a walk. I have some shopping, plumbing, cleaning, vacuuming, tidying, mowing, weeding and washing up to do. Not in any particular order. 

 Washing up will allow morning coffee to be made. That easily pushes washing up to the top of the list. Or, I could just wash a saucepan and a mug. Job done.

8.00 62F, cloudy sunshine. Just back from my 40 minute, shambling walk to the lanes. Traffic light. Scenery beautiful. Morning coffee was tasty. 😋

I have decided to take the scenic route to a builder's merchant in another village for the plumbing parts. I can do some normal  shopping while I am there.

10.00 67F, almost cloudless sky. I have just returned from my shopping trip for plumbing bits and supplies. The scenery exceeds itself with each new outing. A green, cleansing shower for the mind.

 13.00 Lunch. I have wasted over an hour trying to seal the bottle trap to the waste. I bought a chrome plastic bottle trap because it looked nice. I thought the waste [plughole] was leaking and refitted it several times. 

 Then I removed the trap and plugged the bottom of the waste outlet. No water leaked out. Not even with a basin full of water. Yes, I did have a bucket underneath to catch the water when I pulled the plug! I have tried up to three rubber washers in a stack and the joint still leaks.

 I'll just have to drive into town [20 miles round trip] to get a "proper" chromed brass, bottle trap. 

 15.30 Just returned from town. The chromed brass, bottle trap went into place in seconds, finger tight and doesn't leak. The same price as the plastic crap. I also bought a new mirror. The sink seems too low.

 A new, chromed, corner basket is perfect for my toothbrush and hand wash dispenser.  There is still some tile grouting which needs to be treated and scrubbed clean. What a makeover though! 

 I spent a couple of hours going through my wife's papers. She kept everything right back to the 1960s. Including a huge collection of Christmas, Birthday and postcards.

 Dinner was burnt fish fingers on baked beans and tinned, chopped tomatoes. From one extreme to the other. Last time the fish fingers were cold. This time I overdid it. Heat too high. Not enough oil. They still tasted okay. At least I have caught up with the washing up.


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