24 May 2021

24.05.2021 Air piracy [always] pays the loony, minor despot.


Monday 24th 54F, bright overcast and windy again. Time to risk a limp through that flying tree blossom. 83/200Mbps on T'internet this morning. A walk to the lanes in a cool breeze. Almost no traffic today. I looked back towards home and a Red kite was circling over Chez Hovel. 

Just when you thought that air travel was <cough> taking off [sic] again. Another of those loony despots has introduced the random destination factor into the mix. From now on no Rain-air flights can be trusted to get you to your sandy towel. To wallow amongst the identikit, beached and sunburnt, elephant seals. You could end up anywhere! Whenever some minor despot decides he needs a free "personal" delivery from Bozo or O'leery.

A few minor country's politicooze are moaning into their tax-free, subsidised breakfasts. While waiting for their speech writers to tell them what to think. About another failure to win the Eurovision Coke Snorting Contest for bearded ladies. 

Sanctions won't have any effect, of course. Despots don't pay taxes or fines to the EU or the Dsa. [Divided states of america] The usual backhanders will ensure that a few Ex-soviet, rust belt, politicooze slime abstain. 

So, as usual, nothing will get done. It's no use banning flights to White Russia. Nobody goes there except Pootin. He doesn't care about anything. Except his bank balance and getting his shirt off. To tempt the next generation of Russian schoolboys into a forbidden fling on horseback. Through the crashing, Baltic waves. 

In today's Danish news: Notwithstanding that foreign property investors own most of the desirable Danish homes in the cities: The government is now to subsidise property investors in rural homes. I just hope the investors can actually read the "For Sale" signs. Most of these signs are bleached to illegibility after a decade of being "on The Market." 

Forced auctions, where properties sell for small change, are the only property market around here. Having found a property, it might require a lumberjack and a team of seasoned explorers, with machetes, just to reach the front door! 😏 Now there's an idea! Hollywood could do their latest [copycat] zombie or dystopian blockbusters in these No Man's Land, rural Danish properties. Cheaper than going all the way to Chernobyl. But with a much greater risk of meeting a real mutant. 😱


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