14 May 2021

14.06.2021 Me, complain?


Friday 14th 50-55F, overcast, calm, distant mist and damp. The all day rain seems to have been cancelled. We were woken at 4am by several, very loud claps of thunder. Our "guaranteed" 200Mbps fibre Internet is running at 75Mbps this morning. Should I "guarantee" to pay only 1/3 of my monthly bill?

The air was so damp that it felt as if there was rain falling. The fields had standing water from the overnight drenching. I saw and heard a warbler in the hedgerow. It was already gone by the time I had woken my old TZ7 camera. 

Fortunately this wild plant stayed still long enough for a snap. It was even kind enough to pose for me. My White Dead nettle identification was later confirmed by The Head Gardener. [Lamium maculatum.]

Did you see the crude bit of talentless graffiti which sold for a record $90 million at auction? I hear Bozo, the modern slave driver and sociopath is buying a yacht for $400 million.  There's plenty of money around for the "necessities" isn't there? It reminds me of the mill owners in Victorian times. Callous, pompous asses. Building vast, stately homes. While their workers slaved and suffered appallingly in hideous slums. The genocidal, Chinese dictatorship, under Sly "Plague" Jinping, favours billionaires having slave labour. That'll be what they call "communism" isn't it?


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