15 May 2021

15.05.2021 Acid yellow as far as the eye can see!


Saturday 15th 46-48F, heavy overcast but calm start. Internet at 83Mbps instead of the "guaranteed" 200Mbps. 

There are more swallows around now but not in large numbers. The garden trees and hedges are proving popular with the songbirds.

My knee was no longer painful today. So I extended my walk to nearly two hours. Down to the village and up the puddled track to the woods. Where I clambered up the wet and muddy, forest tracks. I spotted two different Marsh harriers on the approach. Circling over the fields as they searched for breakfast.

There had been a lot of tree harvesting since my last visit. The once scruffy, forest clearance on the summit had been cleared and smoothed. New fire breaks had been made to aid tree removal from a nursery of younger trees. Huge mounds of wood chippings lay near the main track. Ready for easy access by a lorry with a crane and grab. I disturbed a flock of Red deer in the forest. At least a dozen dashed off completely silently.

The acid yellow of Oil seed rape sprawled across the entire landscape. Adding a brightness to the gloom of dark green crops and leaden skies.  Then later there was a red kite soaring over more fields. Another arrived and they spiralled around each other before drifting slowly downwind together. 

I plodded back down the long descent to civilisation. Scuffing through long, wet grass and countless wild plants, in flower. As I tried to clean the forest mud off my boots. An escaping hare followed the curving crop tracks as if on rails.

Then the traffic. Rushing endlessly to pointless appointments. A solitary Tesla punctuating the flow of gas guzzling, German, luxury labels. Only another million EVs to go. For Denmark to reach the promised, green nirvana. If we survive our incompetent leader's abject failure to reform a hideously unequal society. 

The right wing sociopaths increasingly vociferous in their demands. For an end to the [quote] "unnecessary" closures. Desperate to hide their corruption and total indifference to death and suffering. With yet more, empty headlines. Keep taking our money! Their greed wins, but not our votes. We are wise to you now.


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