6 Sept 2020

6.09.2020 A smiling Great Crested Grebe.

Sunday 6th 51-63F, calm and blue sky with thin high cloud. More cloud promised with rain this afternoon. A longer walk to take in my favourite pond. Only distant deer seen on the way there. The wind is picking up slightly. Causing ripples on the pond.
The Grebes were more trusting today. I sat on a timber bar right at the edge of the small lake. Snapping away with my camera in my cheap camouflage outfit. Eventually an adult and juvenile came within 30 yards for the first time ever. After trying for so long it is rewarding to finally have some sharp images.

It helped to have my monopod to support the camera for long periods. Thus avoiding any unnecessary movement. Which might have alarmed the birds.
I had been gone for two hours on my return. The thin, high cloud has been joined by massive, cumulus. Some very dark and brooding off to the north. As seen from my upstairs, computer window.


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