13 Sept 2020

13.09.2020 "And don't forget to susbcribe!!!!"



Sunday 13th 56-63F, very heavy overcast and windy. Expected to remain grey with gales from the SW. All the usual headlines. Except that 63,000 electric bikes were imported to Denmark last year. With 12,000 exported. 

Both are records as numbers continue to climb. As did casualties. My suggestion for a unique flashing headlight frequency for ebikes went unanswered. Motorists still haven't adapted to the different speeds between identical looking cyclists. Flashing headlights could have been introduced early to help them identify the faster kind.

I enjoyed a much longer walk up to the woods today. A big loop down through the overgrown forest ended with a slog back along the main road. Despite the dull sky the farmers were doing their best to green their bare, harvested soil. So the landscape was no less beautiful in its own way.

Three fine stags were grazing in the distance on the forest track. Though I couldn't get nearer because there was nowhere to hide. Both sides of the track are impenetrable just there. Worse, I had left my new camera at home because the light was so dull today. So WYSIWYG from the TZ7 at full zoom. Instead of a superb and razor sharp, candid close-up.

It seems I am strictly a fair weather person. All of my hobbies and pastimes rely almost entirely on fine weather. When it is grey and wet there is only YouTube. Which has become a strange, commercial encyclopedia and all purpose TV station.The hard sell is everywhere. "Reviewers" extol the virtues of an endless stream of potential purchases. 

Over the last few months of isolation our tastes in entertainment and pseudo-education have changed repeatedly. Some subjects just aren't the stuff of serious time consumption. We tire of the same strident tones for attention. "Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell! [So I/we can give up my boring, poorly paid, day job and buy a Ferrari!"]

Once a channel becomes popular there are too many copycats boring in the woodwork. The subject of interest becomes diluted by competition for views and subscribers instead of more interesting. 

The message is always the same. Support me/us and my lifestyle to continue enjoying watching me become rich and virtually famous. There is the same underlying desperation to produce new material. Satisfy the demand for novelty in exchange for yet more advertising. 

In a parallel world many of these channels would not end up on local, let alone national or international TV. The pedlars just don't have the depth of personality or the subject matter enough general interest to hold our increasingly ephemeral attention spans. 

Humour is a very subjective and sensitive matter. Many channel pedlars just don't have what it takes to be funny. Except by accident. Fortunately the quality of the sound and video continues to rise across the board. A far cry from my early technical videos using an old Sony digital camera of 10-11 years ago.

While there is a vast library of music [of all kinds] available now. YouTube's desperate need for advertising is killing every video, dull blow by dull blow. It seems that YouTube really does want to repel its countless followers by working from the inside. There really is no other possible excuse for the obscene excess of toxic, commercial drivel. Which bursts abruptly from their, every, puss-filled, commercial pore.    

Did you see Dictator Lukashenko's paramilitary scum jack-booting their way down the streets of the old Soviet Empire? They get to be a wife beater and a mother beater and a grandmother beater all at the same time. And they get paid for it! Though I expect they'd do it for nothing anyway. Just for the fun of it. 

What about their amazing body armour? Best Italian leather? It must be hell being beaten up by all these unarmed women protestors all the time! Imagine if Lukashenko gave up his dictatorship now. Soviet Dictator Pootin would have a nice big dollop of Novichok in Lukashenko's breakfast tea before you could say "evil twins."



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