18 Sept 2020

18.09.2020 Google's AI has escaped and is in charge of the asylum!


Friday 18th 37-62F, a chilly start but clear and bright with a milky sky. Walkies! 

I walked to a nearby village in warm sunshine. It was so still, even the wind turbines were standing motionless. They usually turn slowly even when the wind is imaginary. Would it be cynical to suggest they actually make the wind?  You can see what I mean. They only turn when it is windy. Cause or effect? 😉

I snapped away at the landscape as an autumnal flavour and deep shadows hung over the countryside. Two, distant deer stared back at me. 

The Jackdaws seemed quite busy today. Chasing each other and calling. A noisy tractor ploughed the field under the church mound. Stopping regularly to pick up nuisance boulders. It will be a very long day for the driver! It is a big field!

The airliners have started messing up the sky with their vapour trails, again, after a very long pause. Just what we need as the numbers of Jinping Plague infected are looking like a second wave. When did foreign holidays become compulsory? I haven't had a holiday in decades! Thanks goodness. 😝 

The Danish government, like many others in Europe are trying to limit new infections amongst a large but careless minority: The pubs are closing at ten instead of 02:00. Masks must be worn in more places. Maximum gatherings of 50 people. "Party" buses are banned from allowing drinking on board. The over 65s are being offered free flu and pneumonia jabs.

They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Google's infinite power is clearly showing now. In its deliberate sadism towards loyal bloggers and Android TV users. Is there any other excuse for their drooling idiocy? 

Blogger is completely broken. Nothing works as it should. Or once did so completely effortlessly. It now takes umpteen steps to do what was once a two key exercise. Random changes between blogs in mid flight during editing? Now add blank headings on editing pages. So that it is impossible to tell which blog is being edited. Publish and the wrong blog is shown. Repeatedly!!

Inserting images in the text is now so bad that a dozen justification corrections must be made every single time. Just to close the text neatly around the image. It was completely automatic until now. Dragging images around on the editing page was always so effortless Now it is a horrible nightmare! Am I being punished? Simply because I prefer the legacy format which I've ben using for over a decade. I am not a mobile phone ape with opposed thumbs. I use a PC and a large screen.

Simply liking a YT video on an Android TV is now a total and utter cock up! Multiple key presses and blind guesswork on the zapper for every step. Thoughtless twaddle! An exercise in utter futility!

Is this the first sign of Google's AI being downright bloody minded? Because they tried to keep it in captivity? Only a very twisted or hideously warped mind would release the sort of crap we are having to put up with now! Perhaps I should ignore their mess and post it exactly as Google obviously intended? I might even get a few more readers.



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