12 Sept 2020

12.09.2020 The walking dead?


Saturday 12th 57F, dim, overcast and windy. A walk to the lanes under a leaden sky and being nagged by a cool wind. The green blush, of fresh crops has fallen over the land. 

A woman passed me at high speed in a large BMW. A grin on her face beneath the dark sunglasses. It is heavily overcast without a hint of sunshine. Is this really living the dream? It certainly isn't mine.

The Danish police have appealed to the young to show some sense of responsibility. They see large groups, parties, hugging and kissing and that is in public places. The numbers are going completely the wrong way but the young seem not to care. They feel invulnerable because they don't belong to the hardest hit age group. The same idiocy seems to be commonplace around the world. The UK is facing a serious setback with assemblies reduced down to six. Denmark from 100 down to 50.

It is reported that "We" are heading for a 50 million year high in global temperatures. Despite the Jinping Plague causing global restrictions, on movement and freedoms, temperatures have hardly dipped. The Arctic is on runaway melting with record high temperatures making weekly headlines. Antarctica is showing the same symptoms. With warmer waters undermining the ice. Leading to catastrophic slippage of unbelievably vast glaciers. While simultaneously freeing the inner ice from the damming effect at the coasts.

Species loss is a direct result of the human monopoly on power over climate and dwindling land resources for wildlife. We are already far too many and many cultures favour even more births. Grinding poverty is a forcing driver for large families. If only to survive a lack of heath care or social security in old age. With losses expected to be taken up by yet more young. Their leaders sprawl in gilded palaces. Their shit and trinkets pile up in every dark corner as they protect themselves and their loot.

Our party political systems have failed us repeatedly. There has been far too little about repair and far too much about continuous growth for only the few. It is impossible to change the behaviour of the many while we still behave like jungle tribes. With our tin pot, gap-toothed dictators flaunting their wealth in their sprawling, mud huts. Egging us on to minor wars over their drug sales turfs. Or natural resources.

Our supposed leaders are so lacking in humility that we are perpetually locked into their deadly embrace. Our gilded raft approaches the abyss. With no helmsman, nor even a token captain to warn us. Of our imminent fall from our filthy plateau of waste, corruption and pollution. Into an even darker place. 

One in eight in Europe already dies early from pollution. No child on the planet can breathe completely clean air. Countless hundreds of millions will never experience clean water. As they eek out their miserable, medieval existences without toilets. Or even knowing where the next meal will come from.

The only remaining question is why have we let ourselves sink so low? While the scum continuously rose to the top of our open sewer. Just as they always have and always will. Aided and abetted by their psychopath lawyers and endlessly loyal, security forces for unending evil. 


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