19 Sept 2020

19.09.20 Another perfect day!


Saturday 19th 50-64F, calm and bright but with a lot of thin, high cloud and vapour trails. The wind turbines were still until my return after an hour and half. Then a solitary turbine was turning briskly. Presumably on battery power. A thin band of mist hung in the landscape.

The grebes on the lake were distant and drifting even further away. The water was as still and glassy as I have ever seen it. Except where the ducks were dive bombing off the bank. To form a train of bow waves as they headed for their well worn roosts on the opposite bank.

On the return leg I could see a plume of smoke off in the distance. Made all the more dramatic by the mist and staring into the low sun. Alas, there was no vantage point to identify the source.

Denmark's newly infected rose by 589 yesterday. The Jinping Plague is clearly winning new converts to idiocy and innocence alike. The noisy parties continue late into the night. To be broken up by the police.  

Meanwhile the genocidal, tobacco giants stick two fingers up in the face of the Danish government. The government increased the price of cigarettes to reduce take up and consumption. So the genocidal, tobacco giants are having a price war to reduce shelf prices. Which means they place themselves above the elected representatives of the people. It was ever thus when the politicooze lacked the balls to end it. Once and for all. Claiming, instead, that taxing their antisocial filth is paying for their hospital beds. Or that a ban would just increase smuggling over the German border.  


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