24 Sept 2020

24.09.2020 Pig squids are on manoeuvers.


Thursday 24th 58-63F, heavy overcast and blowing a gale. It rained heavily last night when none was forecast. The trees are thrashing about to a southerly attack of the wind.

It is odd how similar the local landscape is to waves. Much of it was scraped flat by the ice ages. Some of the local hills are rebounds from the melting of deep lakes. Once relieved of the great weight the land rose above the surrounding countryside.

My knees have been hurting over the last couple of days. A lack of cycling or far too much walking over rugged ground? I'll have a short walk to the lanes, all on asphalt, today. It is ironic how walking always rids me of my aches and pains.

And so it was. Three quarters of an hour gentle walking solved the knee problem. Until I returned and climbed our steep stairs. Probably muscular. So I shall just have to take it easy for a day or two.  The dark clouds have blown away. Leaving a much lighter and brighter sky. Even freshly laundered sunshine at intervals. 

A Red kite was circling and soaring over the village church. Several crows went up to take a look but soon retreated to their treetops. The kite's flight was an effortless display of aerial superiority in the strong, gusty wind. Small flocks of wagtails were foraging for breakfast on the newly tilled soil.  

A Colossal "pig squid" trundles past. It's huge tentacles wrapped neatly around its massive body. It has no natural predators but causes havoc with its inky fluid. An Insanely Large pig squid is seen more and more often these days. This is based on the body of a combine harvester and can lay waste to whole prairies in a day.

The news that Tesla won't have affordable cars and batteries for a few more years has depressed the psychopaths in the markets. One might wish they would put themselves out of their misery in a more constructive way.. but what can you expect from these parasites?


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