Saturday 26th 52-57F, heavy, grey overcast, with hardly a breeze. It is supposed to remain dry but grey. No walk yet. Busy at home. Later walk to the lanes in light traffic. A tractor, ploughing a big field, had attracted thousands of gulls. Brief, light drizzle with the sky remaining grey.
Sunday 27th 60-65F, very heavy overcast and breezy.
Superstition is many-faceted. There is the belief that you can drive how you like and you will survive unscathed. Sadly the statistics don't lie in this case.
Others believe the sky will fall if they do not subject themselves to an evil, stone age, genocidal authority. Several of which represent the most corrupt organisations which have ever existed on the planet. Fortunately they can rely on the brain washing of their followers to brain wash every new generation. Well, the eternal, afterlife insurance scam would have collapsed by now without countless, new, policy holders.
Many believe that voting means "their choice" will change their lives for the better. Not much sign of that yet. Though its "high priests" seem to do pretty well out of it. Red or blue? It often means the opposite extremes. Bugger all sign of their unique snake oil changing society for the better. Burp!
Having lots more money is one of the greatest and long lasting superstitions. Yet those who have almost all of it are seemingly unhappy. Their utterly pointless, empty days are spent clinging onto it and desperately seeking more. Meanwhile their offspring wander in and out of exclusive rehab centres. Their abused servants escape to tell stories of torture and mistreatment.
The ultra-rich sell their souls and their children, to the lowest paid child minder or abusive tutor. Maintaining the belief that exclusive, private schools will produce great leaders. I suppose it depends on how you define "great." Great egos. Great corruption. Great dictators, great insider dealers, exam cheats and money launderers.
Fame at all costs is believed to be the answer to happiness. Look where it gets them. They blame the work-load and the corruption of those who promote them. In exchange for what? A lifelong drug habit, trolls and critics? Those who never did a constructive thing in their lives, but place themselves above the masses as having a unique insight into others weaknesses? Whoops! 😉
Modern art is another belief system. Shite in a box or shite on a canvas inevitably remains shite. Unless you are a billionaire competing for a palace full of shite. Odd how they don't place such monetary value on people instead. Isn't it?
Countless "followers" now place their faith in online [and usually corrupt] product promoters. Why do the masses constantly subject themselves to subordination? To what is essentially a commercial, cult, sales leader? A pretty face is prostituted for overpriced tat and called by a harmless name like "influencer." How can a "supermodel" have used a product if it is so new? Better not ask. Or the sky will definitely fall.
Labels have become very big business. Once upon a time it took years of hard graft and a little genius to produce long lasting products worthy of an exclusive and believable label. Made in England! Now everything is stamped out in Asian sweatshops. Where modern slaves apply the labels. As they live in constant fear. Under the supervision of the henchmen of a scoiopathically evil, multi-billionaire dictator.
A dictator is little more than a school bully with countless more bullies to back them up. The system obviously favours such bullies. It must do. Or they wouldn't exist in such numbers. I'm pretty sure the lesser bullies believe in The Great Leader as they feed living children into the bone crushers.
Now we have the ultra-cynical, conspiracy theorists. Just a toxic new form of "religion," Foisted on the Undernet, but already taking its deadly toll. Countless lives are lost in this pandemic to its drooling, deliberately brain dead, idiocy. It's anti-snake-oil spokespersons selling the same-old, same-old, transparent lies. Believe in nothing [or rather their exclusive snake oil] and you will be eternally happy and successful. Just remember to Follow, Subscribe and Like.
Some believe that Big Tech should be free of taxes because they deserve to win. That they deserve to control every moment of our lives because their motives are pure. Good luck with that belief. When 1984 was still popular it was evil government "for the greater good." Now it is evil commercials for the greater good. There are never any subtitles to warn you of the evils you are doing to your body and mind. As you buckle under the constant bombardment of their commercial behest.
Imagine how many hospitals could be built with the missing taxes. But hey! There is a modern belief that you can deliberately make yourself sick and unfit and still expect the finest medical care to keep you safely fat but alive. There are countless hundreds of millions who daily worship at McLardy's. The proof can be found in every hospital and on every littered verge.
Robin Hood and King Arthur are just more superstitious fables that superheroes exist in reality. When all they really are is an inbuilt species longing for basic fairness in everyday life. For justice. For equality. And, above all, simple respect for their humble contribution to society. No fanfares required. No military parades. Just the right to exist in reasonable comfort, health, happiness and security. Without the stamp of commercial jackboots leaving dark bruises all up and down their children's spines.
Sport is a major faith which would have billions believing that "their team's" success is vital to their happiness. That their sporting "hero" is worthy of their mass adulation and expenditure on promotional material. Basically they are queuing to buy the tin-pot, tribal propaganda and trinkets. Hook, line and sinker.
UFO worship continues to grow. Here we are supposed to believe that independent, uncorrupted angels from the sky will come down. To save us from our evil masters. Let's see now.. an advanced race with infinite, light speed powers are queuing in orbit to be our saviours? Sounds vaguely familiar? What if they are "fallen angels?" Any species with that much power wouldn't need our permission to change everything we think we know about the universe. Or our [supposed] leaders.
Does your superstition make you happy? Does it free you from fear? Or does it twist your mind into impossible tangles and [routinely] the hatred of others? Where you are made to believe the complete opposite of simple, human logic? If it seems terrifyingly wrong then it must [surely] still be wrong?
Does Apple move in mysterious ways? Do Google or MS? Does your president, prime minister or union representative have your best interests at heart? Do they show it in their daily lives? Or is their hypocrisy and corruption mind numbingly obvious?
Are you free of the message that you need to constantly spend to achieve your rightful place in commercial heaven? Perhaps you live on a deserted island without a signal? Or are a member of an un-contacted tribe. Living only on cigarettes and Coke provided by the local, catholic priest? It won't last. That nice Mr Musk is about to bring you eternal happiness in the form of advertising from the very heavens above. Praise be!
Advertising is just another belief system. Google and Apple force it down our throats every single day. It is their daily bread to feed the 5 billion, into all their offshore, bank accounts. Without paying taxes on the vast profits of sociopathic, monopolistic, commercial dictatorship. Sorry about the fish. The fish is off. It died of plastic waste, overfishing and global warming. All caused by advertising tat in exchange for your eternal soul.
No naive, gullibles were hurt in the scribbling of this harmless nonsense. I do not condone, promote nor approve of any product placement on any of my online "works." Certainly not for commercial gain. I am not paid for my rambling blog posts. Neither in coin nor in kind. After all, anything and everything I say is not worth the paper it is written on. Much the same can be said of advertising.