A strange morning of changing contrasts on my walk. The mist lifted to a cold wind while I was at my highest point. Becoming almost Turner-ish at times but moving too quickly to capture well in stills. "Up on the tops" is a foolish exaggeration except that it is true in the strict context of my locality. I managed a couple of short videos of mist racing across the fields with the dark forest as a backdrop back-lit by glowing white light. If I can stitch these together and add these to YT you will see them here.
Once the thickest of the mist had blown away the sky broke into cloud and blue. Pooling patches of light crossed the landscape teasing me as I repeatedly failed to capture what I saw. Of the seventy three images I took during this morning's walk only a few held up under the inevitably limited inserted blog format. When seen full screen on my 24" 16x9 HD monitor they look completely different. Full of space and softly focused distance, mood and undulating rural interest. I suggest you click on the images for enlargements though the resolution will not hold up like my 3meg originals. There is a far better sense of perspective when seen in larger formats.
As soon as I returned to begin blogging and downsizing my images the sky quickly became overcast again. The birches and long stemmed willows are now rocking gently to and fro in the southerly wind. Which will, no doubt, provide some serious resistance to my outward progress on the trike after coffee. With rolls covered in lashings of very serious, Den Gamle Fabrik "The Old Factory" marmalade claims 45% oranges. Olfactory would do at a pinch. Excellent stuff and a morning ritual for me.
On a lighter note: Three small deer ran across a lane in front of me. Only about as tall as Labrador dogs but skinnier they were completely invisible once they reached a ploughed field. I see lots of different deer hoof prints on my walks. They can vary in size almost 3:1 between the largest and smallest. I once saw a really tiny deer on Helnæs peninsula. I had no idea they existed before that sighting. 22 miles.
After struggling with YouTube's editor I managed to [easily] merge my two mist videos using Freemake Video Converter. I hate wind noise so I added some interesting sounds from Kevin MacKleod's Deep Noise. [Best heard through headphones or big speakers/subwoofer for best effect.] I really must learn to pan more slowly.
^ Click YT's Fullscreen button
for best visual effect.
The only [world changing] news which caught my attention today was that Denmark is being invaded by hungry Mute swans. Normally they just sit in large numbers out in the sea inlets looking suitably decorative but comfortably distant. I saw two on a farmer's field the other day so it must be true. The UN have asked Putin to intervene with carpet bombing raids. While I can only suggest that swans have absolutely no sense of smell! Global Warming has a lot to answer for.for best visual effect.
The clocks have gone forward, for those who missed it. So now I have no idea what time morning coffee is arriving today or what this means in relation to lunch. These are important questions. The Head Gardener is keeping mum so I daren't raise the subject willy-nilly. I just pray it doesn't lead to a bout of ranting because I'm really not feeling strong enough for that sort of thing after losing an hour of sleep. Perhaps I had better retire to the shed and pretend to do some more tidying? I could replace the kinked rear gear cable I suppose. Though I prefer to work outside where there's more light and room to move freely around the workstand.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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