8 Mar 2025

8.03.2025 Blood bath!


  Saturday 8th Dry and sunny. It could reach a record breaking 16C/61F between 14.00 and 15.00.

  Whoops! The digital clock was showing a row of 5s. I thought it must be nearly 6am. I could safely get up. Without feeling too guilty after a very quiet night. I was looking forward to announcing a record sleep time. The truth was much less satisfying. It was just before 1am!

 01.55  I had lain awake for a whole hour. Unable to get a wink of sleep. Worrying about downsizing. Swallowing repeatedly, to hold down what little I had eaten. It was time for a cup of tea and another glass of water. Sit on the computer until I got tired again. The usual arrangement.

03.15  I had a nose bleed and was shivering before I went back to bed.

05.00 Awake again. Haunted by fleeting images in dreams. Which had nothing in context or even reality. I nearly fell out of bed trying to save a large mixing bowl. It was my mother's I think. I don't remember owning such a mixing bowl.

 I have been sleeping in my normal clothes. Plus the thick fleece jacket and cap again. Trying to drive away the remaining virus.  I have just taken a Pamol and an Ipren. Will I get the sparklies again? 

 An email came. Reminding me that I haven't filled out the online form with multiple blood pressure tests. Taken over several days morning and night. I had managed just one morning entry before I had man flu. I don't know whether I dare risk exposing my extremities to the room over an extended period. It's only 64F/17.8C in here. 

 The problem is they want a morning reading before I eat or drink anything. I start every day with black coffee and muesli. I am barely functioning before that ritual is over. I have already had two cups of tea in the night. There is nowhere on the form for messages about my fighting for my life with a severe bout of man flu. 

 Those of you who are new to reading my drivel. May miss the deliberate exaggerations for humorous effect. I am mostly talking to myself anyway. For years I have used my blogs as way of entertaining myself and my few, probably imaginary readers. This allowed me to fill in for the complete absence of friends over here. Until recently. The internet kept me sane in my rural isolation. I could use my imaginary audience as friends.

 My late wife suffered even worse isolation for far longer. No doubt leading to her eventual demise. We had a passable social life with charity shop staff and antique dealers over here. Just as we had done in rural Wales. We visited so many, so often, that we would be greeted. That came to an end a few years ago over here. I can't remember why. Probably because the house could not accept another item without the walls bulging outwards.

 Visitors were rare even when we lived in the city. There was a local girl. The victim of a navy, Scottish wife beater and drinker. We had a child each of a similar age. She would visit my wife. That was over 40 years ago. Nothing after that. 

 6.10 I was just having a sweating fit. So I used that as an excuse to strip off my top half. Three readings captured at 5 minute intervals and still sweating. Lowest and last reading: 99/72/63bpm. A man barely alive! My pulse was a lot slower last time. Averaging 45.

 I'll see if there is enough milk for breakfast. It wasn't the milk that was the problem. It was the lack of spoons. I had to resort to a desert spoon to measure the coffee. The [ir]regular washer upper had called in sick. Some lame excuse about a flu epidemic. Numbers increasing beyond 2000 per week for the least 6 weeks and the curve still hasn't broken. One third of Danes could well be ill. How do they know how many people are sick if they don't contact their doctor? Or are self-employed or retired?  

 12.10 There was no return to bed this morning. I am almost 80% recovered but have been sweating profusely since the early hours. Probably the body's reaction to the weakening virus. I have no appetite for lunch. 

 Several day's worth of washing up is completed. Including the use of Baking Soda to clean the stains out of eight mugs. I then moved onto peripheral trays and containers, cutlery trays, etc. I feel a need to mop the kitchen floor.

 I have watched numerous YT videos this morning. In an attempt to self-analyze my psychological type and behaviour. I share so many different traits from so many types that I remain a puzzle. Even to myself. While I lean towards the Sigma Male I consider myself damaged goods. I have sympathy and empathy, yet remain a loner at heart. Last night I cried when a child in a Japanese series was self harming. Her doctor lacks any empathy. Presumably the series will eventually find some way to restore this absence.

 I am and have always been obsessively creative. I can and have produced amazing results working entirely alone. Though I have used the hive mind amongst online forums for specialist advice. My memory is so specialized as to have been a major handicap throughout my working life. I used my large library of text books until Google came along.

 I could not remember the names of colleagues with whom I had worked with for years. Yet I can identify and remember the source of components of a lifetime of taking stuff apart. Yet not remember more than a few dates of general interest. 1066, 1947, 1953 & 1967. That's about it. I cannot put dates to any of my life's activities or "career highlights." Not within a decade or two.

 I cannot add a column of figures and get the same answer twice. Yet wrote trigonometrical software [in BBC Basic] to design and graph triplet telescope objective lenses, just as they were beginning to be made commercially. I am self-taught on many woodworking and metalworking machines and tools. I built several guitars but cannot remember more than three chords. Let alone all the notes of a stave. 

 14.00 59.7F/15.5C. It could still get a little warmer. Indoors is at 71F/22C. Thanks to the greenhouse and all internal doors open. I might even have a shower.

 14.45 It peaked at 60.4F/16C for a quarter of an hour. Shower succeeded. Hate that shower rail. Nose bleed! Started on the laundry. 73F/23C indoors. Kitchen floor tiles swept and mopped. 

 16.55 57F/14C. The outdoor temperature is holding up well. I suddenly felt very unwell after my shower. So went hack to bed with a 40 min. alarm. The load of jumpers were finished. Onto the next load. 73F/22.8C indoors. Greenhouse and internal doors closed.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast. Followed by a bloodbath. I was pressing tissue to my nose and pulling out, warm blooded, rubber snakes. 10cm long and as thick as my finger. I'll keep pinching.

 11.10 I can't go to bed until my nose stops bleeding. It won't stop!



7 Mar 2025

7.03.2025 A bad case of the sparklies.


 Friday 7th 

 Up at 5.45 after another difficult night. Hours of weird dreams about plumbing systems that don't exist. I may be feeling a little better today but can't face breakfast. My lower back is killing me. I may still go back to bed.

 7.35 Another hour in bed. No breakfast. I'll concentrate on fluids. Water, tepid tea, tepid black coffee.

 Parts of Denmark are promised 15C/59F at the weekend. Slightly cooler here with 14C. The earliest spring day in 257 years.

 10.15 Been back to bed again. Slept soundly. Woken by messages on my phone.         

 11.00 I have just been chatting. I must be better. I can type normally again. In the loosest possible sense of normal. Back to the fluids. Coffee and a glass of water. I took a couple of over the counter pain killers. I might force down a digestive biscuit. Just to keep them company.

 Bright sunshine. The greenhouse is warming the house. Albeit slowly.

 12.40 It is that time. I should be making lunch but [?] I am dripping with sweat. It is 20C or 69F in the room. Thanks to the greenhouse door being open to the kitchen and living room. Via the small intervening hall. What difference does it make if I am sweating? I'll decorate my rolls with my assorted spreads and see how I get on. My brain is still not working properly yet. I keep missing out words in sentences.

 13.10 56.5F/13.6C. It is supposed to be warmest at 16.00. Rolls consumed. Sweat reducing. 

 17.15 Woke from another nap and closed the greenhouse door. 

 Most peculiar! I had a very strange reaction to something I have taken or eaten. I was seeing peculiar sparkles on things and sounds were greatly magnified. It sounded as it was very windy but wasn't. I went to bed to avoid it getting any worse. 

 Fortunately [?] I woke with the flu in retreat but no more hallucinations. I have never taken any drugs so cannot compare it to anything. The curried sild? Though it doesn't usually have that effect. Out of date, over the counter, pain killers? 😬

 19.00 My appetite seemed back to normal earlier but now it's not. I might try something tasty on toast. Cheese would do it. Nah. Too much work!

 I haven't lit the stove all day. Thanks to the greenhouse it reached 70F/21C and has remained there until now. I feel warm enough without being so sweaty. It was ridiculous earlier! Like a warm bath with my clothes on.

 Dinner was marmalade on toast. 2 rounds. I have run out of coffee mugs. Most of which have been rinsed several times for re-use. As I don't take milk in my tea. Nor usually in my black coffee. They are all hideously stained with tannin. I am not strong enough to do any washing up yet. 

 10.00 I can't stay awake any longer. I feel headachy, my neck aches to. Still 68F/20C in the room. So I didn't bother to light the stove. I'll be sleeping in my clothes anyway.




6 Mar 2025

6.03.2025 Man flu.


  Thursday 6th. Bright.

 Up at 5am after a difficult night. I had a glass of water at 3am and 4am. I'll probably go back to bed. Which I did at 5.30. There followed a chain of dreams. Where I got up. Only to find myself still in bed when I opened my eyes. It was 7.30 before I finally matched reality. 

 In the meantime I seem to have lost the ability to type or move the mouse. I am hobbling about like an old man in short steps. Bent over with pain in my lower back. My nose is  just wet enough to make me a mouth breather. Though it's not really a man cold.

 10.00 44F/6.7C. Woke from another nap. Bright sunshine. 

 13.45 Shared commiserations on this dreadful disease with my friends. A couple of thousand infections per week and climbing. I thought I'd try sliced bananas in skimmed milk. My tongue hurt! Just had another shivering fit. 70F/21C in the room and I'm wearing a down jersey and fleece cap. Now I am trying weak tea. 107F/42C in the greenhouse. Perhaps I should stay out there?

 16.15 Slept for another hour. Had a toasted bread roll. Agonizing stomach aches!

 17.15 Lit the stove. It went out! I am not strong enough for this!

 17.25 Now going well.

 21.15 More sleep. The stove went out. Rekindled from the embers.  70F/21C.

 10.00 A shivering fit in 22C/72F. 








5 Mar 2025

5.03.2025 Walking wounded.


  Wednesday 5th 38F/3C. Cloudy and windy.

 Up at 6am after a disturbed night. I fell sleep while watching Netflix last night. When I woke I was shaking violently with the cold and feeling dreadful. Even though the temperature in the room was 68F/20C and I was warmly dressed. 

 I added a pair of fleece trousers and went to bed early in a thick jumper. I kept waking up, dripping with sweat and my mouth was dry. The fire bucket was half full this morning. Now I feel a bit dizzy, nauseous and aching all over. Probably from all that demolition exercise yesterday. I managed to eat my breakfast but feel like going back to bed.

 14.00 I have spent the day in bed. Dressed warmly. In pain every time I got up to go to the bathroom.

 16.30 More hours in bed. Or sitting on the edge dozing in a coma. My first cup of tea today. I thought I might be dehydrated.





4 Mar 2025

4.03.2025 Hypothermia, exploding dinner and demolition.


  Tuesday 4th 41F/5C. Dark grey overcast with a westerly wind continuing. Potentially reaching 9C/48F.

  Up at 6.15 after a quiet night with weird dreams. 

 The visit to my friend is off. His cold is worse. I don't want to pass it on to my physio class members tomorrow.  So, the demolition of the observatory continues. 

 8.15. A walk.

 8.40  Back from a walk around a field. The wind was irritatingly cold and strong.

 11.45 Sunshine. I have been dismantling the observatory again. The dome base ring was freed of its rollers and broke into pieces once it was overhanging the building. I laid two ladders across the building to support the ring until the last moment. I wanted to be sure it wouldn't hit the shed. 

 Then there were 32 galvanized nuts to undo to remove the eight, dome rotation rollers. I am hot, sweating and need a break. 

 Time for lunch.

 16.00 Back for another rest. I have made amazing progress. With some delays due to inferior Torx screws. I have been changing the Torx bits repeatedly. Once the bit starts spinning in the screw head all hope is lost. 

 Fortunately it is possible to twist the crosspieces provided one end is freed. As can be seen. The heap in the foreground is growing. I am working my way around the back of the building now. Where there is a 3' /90cm drop off the gravel I imported. To make the base for the building. Which means much longer ladders are needed. 

 It would be foolish to get too optimistic about the next stage. The screws, holding the larch flooring down to the joists, are crap. Stainless steel Torx again and designed for outdoor terrace use. The bits were spinning even when I was driving them in. So I do not have high hopes for rapid removal. 

 Dinner was a cheese omelette with sausage and tomatoes. It was going well until I tried to tip it over onto a plate. I wanted to do the other side of the egg for a while. The plate was too big. Or the frying pan too small. It instantly broke up and burnt my fingers. Leaving me to desperately scrape my dinner off a smoking, red hot ring. It tasted fine. Only my pride is dented.

 20.00 and I may have hypothermia. I am freezing! It is 68F/20C in the room and I am wearing a thick fleece jacket and hat. Yet I am shivering. I probably spent too much time out in the cold wind today. Silly old wotsit!



3 Mar 2025

3.03.2025 Going the wrong way.


 Monday 3rd 39F/4C. Overcast. Expected to reach 7C/44F today. Trees moving in the wind. [10-12m/s gusts.]

 Up at 6.15 after a disturbed night. No immediate plans. I have to lift the heavy telescope mounting and lower it to the ground. It probably weighs a couple of hundred kilos. 

 The big stepladder is still trapped inside the building. Which blocks access for the mounting to safely reach the ground. There are some major steps to take before I can proceed with serious demolition of the building. I have been rehearsing it all in my head. As usual. 

 7.30 The clouds are breaking up to the NW. I have sorted my 7 kinds of medication into the daily dispenser. Two kinds need renewal. 

 8.00 Time for a walk.

 9.00 42F/5.6C. Brightening. Back again. I walked the "wrong way" down the road. Up the steep track to the forest on the hill. Turned left and back down by the edge of the muddy prairie. It took me an hour. I never even became breathless on the climb. 

 I saw three deer grazing. The westerly wind was cold again. The image above shows the undulating nature of the landscape. The distant phone mast, on the right, is only 8km/5 miles away. The nearer, on the left, is 3km/2 miles away.

 I brought the twin recycling bins back from the corner. They had been stabled so neatly I didn't believe they had been emptied. They are usually shoved haphazardly towards the hedge and left at random. Is this sudden diplomacy an attempt to get us to fill all the potholes in the drive? A change of staff on this round?

 12.30 I spent the entire morning dismantling the big telescope mounting. Now I have the first heavy lift. I had the chain hoist and the ladder A-frame arranged. With ratchet strap guy-lines for stability. There wasn't enough lift distance. So I am recovering my strength over lunch before trying again. 

 Two Red kites have been circling over the garden. With a harrier just a little higher watching them. None of them seemed bothered by my rattling about in the observatory.      

 14.00 The massive mounting is now on the observatory floor. It needs to be down on the ground. I may remove some of the flooring to get a straight shot down to the ground floor. Or dismantle the mounting further. Each component would then be much more manageable. It is very bulky as one unit and won't want to drop through the joists in its current form.

 15.00 Dismantled and brought individually down the stepladder to the ground floor. I am hot and tired now. I need a rest!

 Dinner was a fry up. Sausage, mushrooms and tweggs.



2 Mar 2025

2.03.2025 A bit of a ride: 65km.


  Sunday 2nd 39F/4C. Bright overcast. A dry day with some sunshine around lunch time is promised. Reaching almost 8C/46F at 2pm. 

 Up at 7.10 after a more disturbed night. Dreams and waking at intervals. 

 8.15 The sun has just broken through. I'll give the observatory demolition a rest today. The sound of a battery screwdriver clutch and electric saws can be irritating if repeated too often. Then there is the racket of falling materials. 

 It is the weekend and supposedly the quiet countryside after all. While ignoring the occasional roaring lorries on the road. Which means I must entertain myself with a ride or a drive.  Or doing something quieter at home. Getting away is probably safer. If I stay at home I will only waste the day away watching YT videos. I'll start with a brisk walk.

 The briskness didn't last long. I had barely covered 100 meters along the road before a bird of pry landed in the hedge. About harrier sized and seemingly undisturbed. By my standing there looking through my binoculars from 20 meters. It only flew away when a great tit flew very close to it. The same hedge contained blue tits, great tits, greenfinches, yellow hammers, sparrows, blackbirds and chaffinches. 

 After that I took to the spray tracks and circumnavigated a field. Where skylarks sang overhead. I wanted to get away from the increasing traffic noise.  The view from the rear of the demolished dome was almost obscured by the garden trees. It was too cold for bare hands in the niggling westerly breeze.

 I shall have a ride. Destination as yet unknown. I'll have a look at the map. I usually like a goal. If only to ensure I get somewhere at a reasonable distance. Inevitably that ride length has to be doubled to return home afterwards. 

 13.30 47F/8.3C. Returned from a 65km ride down to the coast and back by another way. I even went off-road and explored some long public tracks on mixed gravel and rough stone. There were several pairs of cyclists out training. Lots of birds. I became saddle sore at about 40km. So got off and walked through the grounds of a stately home. The break seemed to do the trick. 

 After that I was into range anxiety. The battery was well down on charge while still a long way from home. I had left home with the battery at 100%. So I dropped into Tour mode and used the gears to keep going. 

 The landscape was corrugated with lots of small but quite steep hills. Normally I stay in Sport mode and higher gears almost continuously. With only rare use of Turbo mode to overcome the steepest hills without loss of speed.

 The crosswind went from cold to icy on the way back. Though my hands were never uncomfortable in today's raised temperatures. My face was pink from windburn. I have to go out again to do some shopping.

 14.30 Back from the shops with two heavy bags of groceries. I saw a smart green Morris Minor in a car park across the road. We passed each other on the connecting road and waved to each other. Despite their popularity it is very unusual to see another. Except when the MM club is having a run.

 On the way home I saw some kids in a Golf in my rear view mirror. They were speeding on the long straight out of the village to catch me up. They even overtook several vehicles adhering to the speed limit. As soon as I passed the speed restriction sign I drove at a steady 80kph [about 50mph] speed limit. Only I didn't slow down for every corner as they did. As they fell steadily further and further behind. They only caught me, with a scream of their engine, as I slowed to enter the drive. 


1 Mar 2025

1st March 2025 Demolition!


  Saturday 1st 34F/1C. Mist clearing.

 8.10 Up at 7.20 after being awake briefly at 4am and 5am.  

 8.45-9.15 A brisk walk to the lanes. Cold hands despite the gloves.

 I was desperately trying to think of somewhere to go for a ride. Then decided to stay at home. To do some laundry and tidy the house and garden.  

 12.45-13.45 Occasional weak sunshine and still. 

 No time like the present! I started dismantling the observatory dome. It has been waiting too long. First I knocked out the lower covering panels with a 2x4. [50x10mm timber] The 2mm marine ply was no match and fell away to the ground. There followed the brutal removal of the lower crossbars.

 Then I attached a rope to each rib in turn. So I could pull from the safety of the ground. Snapping each plywood rib in turn. Being careful to ensure the stronger, shutter ribs were towards the shed at the end. So that when it collapsed it wouldn't be on the shed roof right next door. 

 The image above shows the final collapse of the dome after the last of the ribs gave way. Attaching the rope once more ensured it all fell forwards. Where it could do least harm. 

 After lunch I continued. Removing the shutter ribs, trapdoor and emergency doors out to the original veranda. Most of the upper cladding has now gone too. The remaining boards are difficult to access. Because of the proximity of the shed and the larger drop behind the observatory.

 I struggled with the quality of some of the Torx screws. They were far too soft. Allowing the Torx bit to rotate freely. As they are countersunk, the only remedy. Is a crowbar on the material they hold together.

  15.30 I am hot and tired and need a rest.

  I had a nap to catch up.

 Then returned later to tidy a little and collect my tools.

Dinner was grilled mackerel in tomato sauce on toast. With halved cherry tomatoes. I finished off with an apple for pudding.

