25 Jan 2020

25.01.2020 Do you want extra greys with that?


Saturday 25th 42F, dark grey overcast with light winds. A drizzle shower attacked me in the lanes but I survived. Spent the day hiding from the drizzle in the shed.

Sunday 26th 38F, dark grey overcast and breezy. One, professional seaweed groper is offering sunny periods this morning. The other is offering extra grey periods. Eany, meany, miney... Bit of a cold headwind on the way back from the lanes. Quiet, Sunday morning traffic. Except when it wasn't.

How do you explain to any neighbour that a dog which barks constantly is not a guard dog. "The dog which cried wolf?" We have suffered dogs barking for decades in every home we have owned. How can anyone "normal" consider themselves entitled to have a barking dog? I suppose it takes the same sort of brain dead, sociopathic indifference required to own a cockerel which crows day and night. Care in the Community has a lot to answer for! They can't lock them up, any more. While the new, multi-billion Kroner, Danish mental hospital is unfit for [human] habitation! Five hundred windows are all leaking like a sieve. That's progress for you.


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