1 Jan 2020

1st January 2020 Happy New Decade?


Wednesday 1st January 2020, 41F. Rather overcast but with some blue between the grey clouds. Quite a chill wind on the way to the lanes in very light traffic. The McLardy's litter moron is still distributing its wealth in excess packaging along the verges. 

More deaths and destruction in Australia's wildfires. Everybody is talking about climate change. Even those who were trashed in the recent elections. They remain in comfortable denial. Even with a few derogatory nicknames for those who are concerned. They continue to question the empty policies of those who won the last public lottery with the all too familiar, empty promises. 

So, nothing has really changed with the arrival of a new decade. Greed still wins. Lies still win. Denial is still the currency of the real power mongers. The politicooze can only fiddle the books. To make it look as if they have some control over the corruption of the few who really rule our only planet. 

India and China have such awful pollution that it seems impossible to make any useful changes. Traffic jams abound on every continent as the lemmings continue to commute to utterly pointless jobs. Drug wars cripple many nations and undermine the rule of law in most. The prisons are packed like pallets of sardine cans. Justice, power and privacy continue to be the privilege of great wealth. The rest are eating themselves into early graves. When they can afford to eat at all. Parasitic companies and celebs make vast fortunes at the expense of us all. 

Supersaturation of our everyday lives with the blatant lies of advertising would have us ignore reality. Sport and entertainment make trillions for the money launderers and offshore, tax-free crooks and despots. The burden of defense craps all over the need for more hospitals for sickly populations all bent on slow suicide. 

We are deliberately fed with titivating, red herrings about minor loss of life amongst the celebs. When all around us are losing theirs in millions to preventable disease and even starvation. As long as they are distant enough and dark skinned enough. To be invisible to all but the drunken holidaymakers. All bent on achieving a nice tone of skin cancer. 

Anything to impress their equally vacuous colleagues back at home in our modern dystopia. Of overpowered private cars, with flashy wheels and silly badges stuck in the daily and deadly traffic jams. All to differentiate between the brain washed and the quite literally brain dead. They will gain one place on the grid-locked roads at the risk of their own and their family's lives.

The ephemeral is given the false label of "name" quality. Totally regardless of which Chinese factory rubber stamped their child-slave and political prisoner produced, puerile crap for stage-managed consumption. Even if the online dealer isn't a crook you may never see your parcel.  In an online review website 93% rate the Scandinavian postal service as appalling. We are still waiting for three parcels sent well before Christmas.


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