13 Jan 2020

13.01.2020 One way or another.


Monday 13th 39F, dark and cloudy. Another grey day in prospect. Grey it remained for my walk to the village. The drainage ditches are fuller than I  remember seeing them.

"AWOL" Morrison is discovering that everything has to be paid for. One way or another. Cut services and make savings at people's expense, for reasons of dogma and the taxpayer will have to pay for the resulting chaos. 

The Australian, aboriginal peoples used to have controlled burns. They knew how to greatly reduce the risk of uncontrolled fires, make the land fertile and increase the stock and variety of wildlife. This was practiced for tens of thousand of years. With the expert knowledge handed down to each succeeding generation. These "heathen ways" were soon set aside when criminals invaded Australia and stole the land from the people for private profit. Everything has to be paid for. One way or another.

The blindness of Australian farming practices has caused desert and drought. Drought is the result of the theft of the land's natural resources for private profit and exploitation. It didn't have to be this way. There are proven ways to maintain water resources, ground moisture and fertility. It was beginning to be practiced but far too little and far too late. Farmers seem to prefer deserts and compensation for their own idiocy. Everything has to be paid for. One way or another.

Denmark has the opposite problem with wet, low lying land. The farmers are paid for every square centimeter to over-exploitat the land they temporarily own. If the wetlands are drained and standard, intensive agriculture is practiced it will be the equivalent of HALF A MILLION CARS RUNNING CONSTANTLY AT TICK-OVER. How will selling a few hundred electric cars to the middle classes help to balance this massive increase in CO2?

Denmark already has very serious problems with agricultural pollution of its ground water. Pesticides come and go. But mostly they sink to where Denmark's drinking water is sourced by deep boreholes. No week passes when news headlines aren't lifting the lid on a new agricultural poison found in the latest drinking water tests.

What's next? Will "they" soon have to spend a fortune on universal filtering or chemical treatment? Or will it be necessary to distill every drop of water coming from the taps? Denmark's politicooze seem to prefer to give farmer's a completely free choice on poisons and how they abuse the land. Everything has to be paid for. One way or another.

Denmark has "enjoyed" its hottest, driest and wettest years on record almost consecutively. We had a massive plague of killer slugs! Farmers had no winter feed for their overstocked, intensively reared, antibiotic stuffed, sickly, indoor animals.

Resistant bacteria became a serious problem in hospitals due to antibiotic overdosed, meat consumption. Hospitals were killing patients instead of curing them! All this within the last couple of years. What a way to run a fragile world!

Talking of which:  District Heating is cheaper and produces less CO2 than centralized, gas heating units. The Danish taxpayer owned, national gas company is objecting to every local plan to convert from gas to District Heating. Which is not only costing extra expense for the gas, increased charges for heating homes and increased CO2, but greatly increased expenditure on legal fees to fight each case. Welcome to 70% CO2 reduction, by 2730, by Danish rules.  


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