21 Jan 2020

21.01.2020 Woah, woah, thrice woah!


Tuesday 21st 42F, grey overcast, mild [for winter] and soon to be windy. The wind was already cold on my brisk walk to the lanes.

The human race doesn't have a chance if a pandemic spreads from China. Delete a page full of very obvious reasons. We are all doomed! 😉 I put that in to piss off Von Chump. Anybody worried about climate are simply "fairground fortune tellers" according to the world's most hated man.

We are having a trial week of Amazon Prime TV streaming. The film "Bicycle" from 2014 is excellent. Nicely balanced and without one irritating moment as I reach half way through.

I had no idea I was involved in a sea change when I cycle commuted between Bath and Bristol in my youth. I rode an original Dursley Pedersen and a vintage tricycle on my 15 miles each way, daily commute.

I tried the famous cycle path once and found it littered with profoundly deaf, dog walkers and their droppings. Profoundly deaf horse riders and their droppings. Which were growing weeds along the middle of the cycle path. Then there were all the profoundly deaf and pig ignorant families spread right out across the path. With pushchairs and prams and dogs running wild. 

All completely oblivious to the cyclists for whom the path was created. It was quicker and arguably safer, to ride the main road through Keynsham. I would pass certain vehicles stuck in queues in Bath. Then see them again stuck in the same queues in Bristol. Though that was later spoilt by the Keynsham Bypass. Which provided a section where they could go much faster than I could.

I remember there being a pandemic of ladybirds one day. Miles and miles of solid ladybirds on the wing. I also remember motorists deliberately blocking my path in the Bristol queues. They would turn sharply in towards the pavement to stop me overtaking them on the inside. A round-the-world cyclist. With legs like muscly tree trunks. Pulled up alongside one day as I pedaled along. We chatted for a while before he went up a gear and left me plodding into the wind.

I used to wear a newspaper under my jumper in the winter. Which wasn't really too bad. Except that it didn't keep my hands warm. Then disaster struck and I was conned by Blacks of Greenock, Bristol Branch, into paying over the odds for some polyurethane proofed waterproofs. In bright orange for visibility on the road and in the Welsh mountains. I sweated profusely for the next 50 odd years in various examples of those clumsily tailored "bin bags."

Choose tightly woven, properly windproof cotton if you do have a choice. Being wet through inside a bin bag is no better than being wet through on the outside. Polyurethane proofed clothing provides both simultaneously, once they are the slightest bit worn. The mobile sauna and the mobile shower cubicle combined. Nice!

National Geographic has joined the dodgy news services. If you scroll, or close the cookie warning banner on one of their linked web pages, on Google News, you are automatically loaded with their cookies. No choice. At all. I'll ask again: Is this legal?

I wonder why they called them cookies? Why not mind worms? Or cockroaches? I like cockroaches best as a new name for cookies. They hide in the dark places and then scurry out in their billions. Like a plague they go everywhere. It seems they regurgitate rotting spam. Why is it illegal to send an email with spam but not illegal to show uninvited adverts literally everywhere you go? 


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