11 Jan 2020

11.01.20 "AWOL" Morrison fears losing his $800,000, voluntary, part time job!


Saturday 11th 38-41F, cloudy, but gorgeous orange patterns heading for another grey day. In the five minutes it took me to be ready for my walk the sky had already changed completely.

Ragged, low cloud was streaming across from the south. Providing dramatic colour and contrast against a late rising sun. A turquoise band stretching across the horizon teased me with brief glimpses of the bright solar disk.

Now I have returned, 41 more pictures the richer, the sky is rapidly becoming its familiar, dull, grey overcast. Very heavy shopping in the car.

Denmark is building large heat pumps working on the thermal energy of seawater. An expansion of the city of Aarhus [Pron: Orhoose] required a "Green" means of heating lots of new homes. With the ever increasing production of wind energy the new District Heating system should be very CO2 friendly by the time it is required.

Sunday 12th 42F,  dark grey overcast, wet and windy. There were noisy gales overnight. Rain forecast for the whole day today. Still waiting for it to get light enough for a walk at 8.45. By 9.00am it was no better. So I donned my wet weather gear and pottered off down the stream which currently pretends to be our drive.

I walked for half a mile down the road listening to the patter of rain on my hood. The few cars, spraying far and wide, were given an appropriately wide berth. Turning back was quite a shock! Instead of walking with the wind I was now facing a gale-driven downpour. The field, flood ponds are even larger today.

"AWOL" Morrison, the part time, voluntary PM of Australia, has finally seen the firelight. His chances of an electoral toast, have fallen caviar side down. As yet another fireman dies involuntarily. We'll gloss over the billion wild animals which have given their all for Morrison's glittering, part time, voluntary career.

AWOL's latest ploy is to call on the world to have a global climate plan. Strewth! An absolutely  guaranteed way of avoiding Australia ever having any climate plan of its own. Doesn't P,A,R,I,S A,G,R.E,E,M,E,N,T mean anything to you AWOL? Even you must have heard of it?  😉


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