3 Jan 2020

03.01.2020 Tesla Rooles The Road, Okay?


Friday 3rd Jan 2020 43F, windy, heavy overcast and raining. Expected to continue all day. 

Denmark is now producing 50% of its power from wind and solar. Superconducting materials have been used in the generator of one large wind turbine on test here at Thyboron. This should lead to greater efficiency and lighter weight over time as turbines grow ever larger. 

An efficient means of energy storage would absolutely revolutionise "green energy" due to its present variability. Perhaps electrolysis will aid the development of the anticipated hydrogen economy?

The best way forwards, for the world, would be for oil and petrol prices to escalate beyond the reach of many ordinary abusers. This would spur demand for the rapid uptake of much cheaper EVs. 

The traditional car makers are absolutely terrified of the simplicity of electric vehicles. They have none of the built-in obsolescence the car dealers can exploit to make their profits from customer tied labour and obscenely priced spares. 

So a whole new means of financing and organising EV sales, globally, must be developed. Tesla is already selling direct to the customer. Which places them in an even stronger position over the leaden-footed, traditional [dirty] car manufacturing opposition. Most of whom are probably at least five years behind Tesla on almost every important aspect. 

This is much the same scenario as we saw when Japan entered the car and motorcycle market in the early 1960s. The major British [highly conservative] manufacturers had no answer despite their decades of dominance. Where are the "great names" now? No major motorcycle manufacturers, at all. While the "British and European labelling" car industry is owned by Germany. 


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