6 Oct 2024

6.10.2024 Glavendrup Stones.


  Sunday 6th 40F/4C [8.15] Thick mist again. A sunny morning is possible if the mist clears. Last of the pleasant autumn days before rain arrives. 

 Up at 6.45 after another quiet night with complex, illogical dreams.

 Should I risk another ride? I love the beautiful, Danish countryside in sunshine. The winding and undulating lanes are a delight. A walk first.

 9.00 Back from a walk to the lanes as the mist lifted. Hanging on only in thin stripes here and there. Made more scenic by distance. A distant tower incongruously lifted into visibility by its elevation. I wore gloves and was irritated. By their inability to function with my phone and its camera.

 MacLardy's inbreds had been carpet bombing the verges again. New evidence of their crippling handicaps strewn for hundreds of meters. The transparency of MacLardy's sales pitch. Openly exhibited in the infantile colours of their globally scattered debris.  Akin to graffiti artist's daubs but with even less creativity. Nor even the remotest hint of any inherent talent. While I am all for inclusivity, I question why both types must ruin the peace of our co-existence. If pig transporters are limited to endurance. Do MacLardy's customer's enjoy the same benefits? 
10.00 The conditions are simply far too perfect not to have a ride.

  15.15 Returned from a 95km/59mile ride. A fully sunny morning but the cumulus started to clump and hide the sun after lunch time. I headed north east until I reach the Glavendrup Stones. Just north of Søndersø. It is a Viking monument with the longest Runic text found so far. A series of stones forms the shape of a ship. With the main, inscribed stone at the prow. The site had been badly damaged by removal of many stones for local building work at a much later date. It is not recorded whether the dire warning inscribed on the stone came to pass.

Glavendrup stone - Wikipedia

 After that I kept heading west. Until I could turn back south by narrow lanes. Then on home by familiar roads. I was feeling strong throughout. Though I suffered from sitting on the Brooks B67 for 5 hours. No friction thanks to Assos cream and my best bibs. [Padded cycling shorts with fixed braces.] I saw a lot of cyclists today.  

 Dinner was a mountain of salad. The boiled eggs had 15 minutes. It could have been a little less.



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