9 Oct 2024

9.10.2024 Topping up.


  Wednesday 9th 53F/12C [9.00] A cloudy, mixed day of possible showers and sunshine.

 Up at 7.40. 65F/18C in the room.

 9.45 Returned from a short walk to remove the back pain. Everything is very wet. 15mm of rain showing on the gauges. A chaotic sky. No sunshine yet. Morning coffee without the marmalade coated roll. I ran out of rolls yesterday. The sky doesn't look trustworthy for a shopping ride. I had better go in the car.

 10.00 55F/13C. I have looked at my stock of logs. There is probably a month's worth. About half my capacity with them stacked against the southern house wall in the greenhouse. So I could fetch some more. The new trailer is still an unknown. How will the timber yard deal with its small size? Their front loaders have vast buckets. I had better go and find out.

 11.15 Raining. Back from the timber yard with half a box meter of beach logs. The helpful driver fitted his smallest bucket to the telescopic loader and we had a peasant chat about the best way next time. Same again seems to be the answer. The mesh trailer sides contained the overflow. Which would otherwise have gone onto the ground. The driver kindly helped me to pick up those which did fall outside the trailer. The nice office lady liked my car. Called it "sweet." 

 Driving home felt safe but a drag on the steep climbs. Reversing down the drive may not have been my brightest idea. It is completely unnecessary thanks to all the turning space available now. Even loaded the small trailer is easily managed on the level. I put the fitted tarpaulin on to protect the fresh logs. I can wheel the trailer to the greenhouse for unloading when conditions allow.

 11.30 I am going shopping in the heavy rain in the car. I could not go on my earlier trip because I needed frozen stuff. A band of heavy rain has appeared from nowhere. It was certainly not forecast.

 12.15  The heavy rain is easing off. Returned from the village supermarket loaded down. The Dankort card payment system had crashed. The presence of a technician on the premises may have had something to do with it. The queue was half way down the length of the football field sized shop.  

 Late afternoon and my nice neighbours came around to share some of their eggs. They have a wonderfully mixed collection of chickens. Though I didn't know they produced different coloured eggs.

 I made a "proper" dinner tonight instead of something on toast. Chicken, mushrooms, peas and boiled potatoes with Bisto gravy.



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