12 Oct 2024

12.10.2024 A busy boy!


  Saturday 12th 44F/6.7C [6.00] A bright day is promised but rather windy SW-S-SE.

 Up at 4.00. Wide awake. House to be tidied and cleaned. Laundry to put away. The kitchen is still a mess. Another pile of washing up to do. The living room is a tip! A 20cm/8" deep stack of official papers to be gone through again. To discard the unwanted and double check the rest for retention. [Done.]

 My problem, apart from having too much stuff, is always storage. It needs height [proper shelves] to avoid stacking stuff loosely on top of stuff already sitting on the floor. Steel racking just looks so out of place in the kitchen. Even my scruffy kitchen! I know, because I have tried it. 

 The racking went upstairs out of sight. Where it cannot offend the wandering eye. Even low racking triples the [accessible/discoverable] storage capacity of a given area of floor. I have just discovered boxes in the corner of the kitchen I had forgotten I had. 

 The airing cupboard volume is completely wasted. It needs sorting and another layer of shelving added. I am so damned untidy! Always have been. I can remember being told off about my toys being spread all over the house. While I was still a small child. 

 7.20 Washing up done and the mess in the kitchen and bathroom is dented. 

 7.45 Car and trailer parked out of the way. Tidied up outside. Recycled a stack of unread newspapers.

 8.00 Coffee table cleared of months of receipts. Start on clearing the dining table.

 9.00 Vacuumed the ground floor. The vacuum bag was full and I couldn't find the replacements. Because I had put them somewhere special! Eventually... I have now put the bags in the tub with all the other bags.    

 9.15 My friend dropped in but didn't stay. On his way to a family birthday party. He had kindly resurrected my laptop. Which I had left in pieces after fitting a new a battery and twin SSDs.

 9.25 Time for a rest and morning coffee. I am delighted with my progress. It just needed the threat of a visitor. To push me into tidying up. Theoretically I have the day to myself now. Dry but windy. Do I want a ride? Best to avoid the coasts with stronger, onshore winds.

 I drove to the two nearest villages. The standard of driving was even worse than usual! A registered blind driver pulled out from a junction. Just as I approached at 80kph/50mph. I had to stamp on the brakes to avoid a collision! They then drove slowly ahead of me until they reached the next village. Whereupon they soon left me in the dust as I adhered to the speed limit. 

 It is long overdue that a traffic calming bump was used to protect a downhill junction at the other end of the village. Probably 90% of drivers completely ignore the 50kph [30mph] speed limit. This one came hurtling down the hill at well over the national speed limit and didn't slow for the village at all. A tiny white dot could be seen exiting the far end. As yet again I kept to the speed limit. 

 My afternoon nap was disturbed by chainsawing. Fortunately I was reaching the intended duration.

 I lit the stove at 18.00. It was under 18C at the time. By 9.30 it had reached 21C.

 Dinner was chicken, mushrooms, chips and tomatoes.




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