10 Oct 2024

10.10.2024 Return to cooking class.


  Thursday 10th 53F/11.7C [6.15] A very wet morning is forecast.

 Up at 5.15 tormented by guilt about the past. I watched YouTube and had breakfast. Fed the fish.     

 Physio class followed by cooking class. I haven't made it to the latter for the last two sessions.

I just had a phone call. Physio is cancelled due to illness. Monday is cancelled due to a holiday.

 This means I can attend cooking this morning. Without any delay for physio. It rained lightly. On and off on the way. I was much too early so shopped in the local supermarket.  

 The regulars greeted me back to cooking class with concern over my recent health problems. Three new faces. I made flutes. Then there was soup, a salad and a cake. It was all delicious! The usual chat and jokes before and afterwards.

 A mechanic arrived and managed to resuscitate the industrial washing up machine. In the nick of time to avoid a lot of manual washing up!

The group hovered outside as we left to admire and discuss my Morris Minor.

14.15 Back from cooking class. Dry, bright but breezy on the way home.

 I had stopped at a charity shop but there was nothing of interest.

 A much needed nap and then attend to the laundry backlog.  

I filled both clothes airers upstairs. The last lot went outside to air and perhaps be rinsed by overnight rain. Though none is forecast. It was freezing cold in the wind as it was just becoming dark!

 A half moon is hanging low to the south. No dinner required. I had a toasted roll and milky coffee. With an apple for desert.

 Nothing worth watching on Netflix. So it's YouTube again. I haven't bothered to light the stove as the room is hovering around 66F/19C.



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