31 Jan 2024

31.01.2024 Minnorrun.


 Wednesday 31st 37F/3C. A dry day is promised but increasingly windy. Up a 6am after previous false starts. Lit the stove at 7am. 60F/16C in the room. Museum day. I haven't been for ages because of bad weather. Not a great day for a bike ride. I'll go in the Morris.

 Working on tidying the southern boundary to the museum. Where the old millstream runs across the middle of the picture. To disappear under the road. 

 The neighbouring property, beyond, is another thatched and half-timbered, four sided farm. Much like the museum in layout but not nearly so grand.

 The hard working volunteer, at centre, was born in the village nearly 80 years ago and remembers a completely different world. When the village still had numerous shops and other businesses. He started work at 14!

 13.45 Returned from the museum. Where I was raking wet leaves into heaps. Then loading then into a wheelbarrow with large and heavy, antique fork. Before wheeling them steeply uphill to dump them as compost in the woods. I had a sudden fierce pain across my upper chest and severe shortness of breath. It didn't feel like anything to do with my heart. I carried on and it passed off after half an hour. I may have to talk to the quack about it.

 I have heard a new name for the Morris Minor  in Danish. They are referred to as Minnorrun locally. Said quickly and smoothly without emphasis on any syllable. The i in Minor is not pronounced like my. But i as in it. The end of the word en means "the". So it means "The Minor" in Danish. I have taken liberties with the spelling so it sounds correct in English. It would probably be spelt minoren in Danish but this could easily be mispronounced in English.

 20.00 Blowing a SW gale. Dinner was chips and fish fingers. Or fish fingers with chips. Depending on your culinary sensibilities. I washed up while it cooked. 65F/18C in the room. Despite the stove.


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