11 Jun 2022

11.06.2022 No dish pond.


  Saturday 11th 56F. Bright but breezy. Lots of fast moving cloud from the SW. Up at 6am.  

 I don't like the look of the white dish pond out on the lawn. Far too stark! Unnaturally bright. What a shame. It is back to being parked against the front hedge.   

 An imaginative bedding scheme in a shopping village. Drifts of flowers suggest a wildflower meadow. The beds extend for hundreds of yards on both sides of the road. Quite a change from the usual bare lawns.

 I could buy some dark green, pond liner and drape it over the dish. I doubt there would be any problem for the liner in following the gentle curve by water pressure alone. No risk of puncturing.  

 Food shopping is urgently required. Suggesting a trike ride to a slightly more distant village. Just to make the ride worthwhile. The wind starts in the south and veers westward later. Climbing to 12m/s gusts. Which is up around 25mph. Best to go early then. 

 Vast numbers of cyclists [16,000] are [briefly] being allowed to use the motorist's private motorway bridge today. In celebration of the TdeF coming to Denmark. They will follow the TdeF route over three distances depending on ability. The TdeF riders will also be [briefly] allowed to use the motorway bridges.

Mixed flower bed at home.

 Three points: Why were no cycle paths provided on motorway bridges in "Cycling Friendly Denmark." You have to take a train, along with your bike, just to cross! There are three main land masses to Denmark. You do the maths.

 Why are there any cars on the motorways in Denmark? When "No Dane can afford to own a car." [Carla Sands]

 The Danes do have a saying: "Own one car. Pay for two [or three.]" Perhaps something was lost in the Google translation. From Danish to Chump-speak.

 Marsh thistles and flowers standing guard over the portal to the front garden. A large poppy at centre is yet to flower.

 The EU has decided to ban the sale of filthy cars by 2335. Germany wants it to be no earlier than 2435. Despite their best efforts, I keep seeing more and more BEVs on my travels. From the tiny sample of vehicles within my range of vision, one must assume that electric cars are becoming increasingly popular. 

 It's not as if I can easily recognise all of them. Usually it's the lack of a filth pipe at the back and a smaller radiator grill. I am also seeing lots of electric microcars. The new form of transport for the elderly and handicapped. These tiny "bubbles" must be baking hot in sunny weather! At least they don't have to pedal. 

 The Danish government is getting ready to give a 4th vaccine to the elderly and high risk groups. The BA5 variant is spreading rapidly. No plans to restrict the public's normal behaviour so far.   

 Dark magenta Aquilegia in my [late] wife's garden.

 8.22 61F. The sky has darkened to a grey overcast. I have just returned from a walk to the village. The traffic was very light. Birdsong was heavy. Which helped to lift my spirits.

 10.30 72F. Returning from a 12 mile shopping ride on the trike. High 90s rpm going at 16-18mph. Low 90s cadence on the way back. Averaging only 10mph straight into a headwind. 12lbs of shopping. Quite a lot of sunshine. 

 I bought pasta! 😎 I am thinking pasta with fish fingers and hot, tinned tomatoes. [No beans!]

15.00 71F. No ripe bananas this morning. So I had to go out again for another six miles. For a total of 18 miles today. Increasingly windy. 

 The greenhouse reached 94F with both doors closed. It dropped back to under 80F when I opened both doors. A good draught is obviously more important than shade netting.

 17.00 There was a battle between a bee and a large spider outside my [computer] dormer window. By the time I'd gone outside and found something long enough to break the web's hold on the bee, it had escaped. I don't mind the spider catching flies and gnats but I draw the line at bees. 

18.20 66F. The balcony room has reached 100F in late afternoon sunshine. Shade is definitely required. Arranging a through draught will take a little longer. 

 There are areas, on either side of the lower windows of the gable end. Where meshed "doorways" could be built and opened on demand. To allow a prevailing westerly breeze to enter.

Another view of the village bedding scheme.

 An exit [exhaust port] could be provided at the ridge for hot air driven out of the space. By means of the chimney effect and the pressure of the incoming air. This air movement would only be needed for a limited time and under sunny conditions. So well insulated doors would be needed at all other times. The Rockwool would need to be covered first of course. Lined inlet and exit ports would be required. Otherwise there would be rockwool dust being blown everywhere through the house.

 I have enjoyed today's warm sunshine and cycling. It has cheered me up a lot. Even if I didn't do anything very useful all day. Except provide a few more meals and take a few more snaps. 

 The evening meal was only slightly spoilt. By my [gently] burning the fish fingers. While juggling two saucepans on one ring. That will teach me to brag about my cooking skills! I also ate dinner while watching TV. Having covered the dining table with camera gear. Then forgotten all about it.  It was too late to make enough space with a plate full of hot food in my hand.


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