25 Apr 2022

25.04.2022 Not a chain saw massacre.


Monday 25th 36F. Bright sunshine. Woke at 5.30. Managed to doze for another hour. Given up on grief. I have entered a low grade, anger mode/mood. 

 It is weird how sensitised I have become to sounds. Despite being deaf. There is only me here and even my breathing sounds loud.

 Half a trailer full to go to the local charity shop. I need a new chain for my chainsaw. It has never been sharpened. Nor replaced from new. I was hardly ever allowed to use it!

 I had better ring around first to check for stock. The boundary hedge is driving me mad. I finally have the freedom to trim it properly and the saw is blunt! 

 9.00 48F. My usual walk in bright sunshine. Too warm in my lightweight jacket over a T-shirt. Wind turbines standing still in the calm air. Oil seed rape is really breaking into flower.

 Spare chain in stock at a slightly more distant outlet. I am severely tidying fatigued. So I'll drive to fetch the new chain. Just for a change of scenery. Which incidentally is gorgeous at this time of year. Fresh leaves on the trees and hedges. The crops are often just like vast lawns until they put some growth on. It all looked amazing and wonderful in the bright sunshine. Sharp and clear as far as the eye could see.

 11.00 Returned with the new chain and some shopping. Delivered over 1m^3 to the charity shop. No thanks though. They were too busy taking pictures of each other to notice I was there. Perhaps they were customers? I hadn't thought of that.

 More shopping, including what passes for a squeegee these days. Velcro attached microfibre on a stick. Still have no clue which of the twenty bottles in the bathroom I should use on the tiled floors. None of them!

 I had a shower and glared at the blackened grout between the wall tiles. Ten minutes later the walls were all spotlessly clean. Cillit Bang Black Mould Killer is magical! The grout had been black for years! Not sure I'd use it on the floors though. Seems like overkill. I'll have some lunch while I think about it. Google suggests vinegar and baking powder. Which means measuring quantities and liquids. I am not so equipped.

 I don't need the bathroom trolley. A toothbrush, toothpaste and something to hold it. The rest is superfluous. My sponge lives on the corner of the bath. Along with my shampoo and body soap. I am downsizing in the bathroom too. 

 We have never had a toilet roll holder in there. She was afraid I'd crack the tiles with my drill while I was fitting it. I put up the tiles to cover every inch of every surface except the ceiling. Which is boarded and I put that up too. Including the profiled trim around the edges.

 And fitted the bath and the basin and the toilet And all the necessary pipework for the shower-bath mixer tap. And all the drainage in the entire house out to the boundary. I cast the new concrete floor over insulation and weldmesh with underfloor Pex heating hose. I even managed to hang the bathroom mirror without cracking a tile. A toilet roll holder though? I'd crack the bløødy tiles!

 The boundary hedge is now cut back as far as possible. I'm not sure about the height. I am too old to be clambering up there any more. If I lop it at a lower height that would certainly help. 1.5m or 5' is supposed to be the norm. Not that you see that height very much. There would be very little hedge left. It is mostly thick trunks at that height. If it bushed at that height it would take back my hard won gains.

 I have been going through another filing cabinet. My wife kept every receipt going back a couple of decades! Hundred of bank letters and statements. From a bank account which no longer exists thanks to Brexit. I shall have to thin them out! Interestingly, they have a "papers for shredding" container at the recycling yard. It has a letter box in the top to stop prying fingers.

  I just sawed down an old tree trunk nearly 3' in overall diameter. It consisted of multiple stems crammed together. Completely rotten at the core. I'd like to cut down the trees on the other side of the adjoining lawn. These completely block the view and will grow rapidly to a great size. Prickly plums or cherries. I can never tell which. Small yellow fruits.

 With no occupants for years now I wonder where I'd stand? Well away as they fell! The adjoining farm used to trim back the tree faces on the field side but not the tops. The farm has changed hands several times and the field may even be rented now. A tractor mounted flail would make short work of them.


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