8 Mar 2022

8.03.2022 Nature abhors a monopoly.


 Tuesday 8th 31-44F, another hard white, overnight frost. With extra mist today. Probably 100m invisibility at 07.30.  I left a couple of hours later than usual. Things to attend to before leaving. 38F and feeling warm in the sunshine. I saw a woodpecker before it flew off.

 The news reports that the evil Russian dictator is very likely to cause a global famine now. The world had allowed itself a large fraction of global grain, oil and vegetable oils to come from the evil, Russian dictator. 

 Now add this to the coming famine of energy. Which the World and European politicooze have personally achieved. By dealing with the same evil dictator. 

 Nature abhors a monopoly. Dictatorship is a monopoly of power. Or a vacuum of democracy. Oligarchs are a monopoly of dirty money. 

 In response the evil dictator's invasion, Denmark is about to boost defense spending in its contribution to NATO. Which means handing more billions of taxpayer's money to subsidize, US manufacturers. To add the the trillions they get in US taxpayer subsidies already. This extra money is sure to curb the evil Russian dictator's powers and lunatic ambitions. Isn't it? Hasn't the world already wasted trillions in fighting a prolonged cold war? Not against Russia. Only against the evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.

 Denmark cannot afford to pay nurses properly. So they are leaving in droves for the private sector.
Denmark cannot provide proper home help for the elderly. Yet it can afford the latest US fighter planes.
Denmark is pretending to lead the world on climate change and needs every penny for greener options.
Denied dirty energy from the Russian dictatorship, its national energy bills are about to rise dramatically! Well, they can always raise taxes on the already overburdened Danes. The rich and oligarchs don't pay taxes in Denmark. Because they can easily get around the problem.

 There is no coming, global famine. There is only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no global energy famine. There is only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no invasion of Ukraine. There is only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no problem with Russia. There is only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no slaughter of innocent civilians. Only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator..
There is no slaughter of teenage conscripts. Only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no injustice in Russia. Only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There are no tens of thousands of anti-war protesters. Only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no Assad problem. Only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no nuclear threat. Only one, evil, criminally insane, Russian dictator.
There is no rumble of a 3rd world war approaching. Only evil, criminally insane, Russian [and Chinese] dictators.

  Is this any way to run a civilized world? The criminally insane, Russian dictator was never elected. He represents nobody but himself and his crooked cronies. He is a civilian and subject to Russian and international law. 

 If he were in America he could be publicly executed for having a broken brake light. A police sniper would be brought in if he were holding a single hostage. Yet this evil, criminally insane dictator is holding the entire world hostage. Just to further his own greed, delusions of grandeur and corruption! The world cannot afford this evil, criminally insane dictator. Least of all in the middle of the Climate Crisis!

 You do the math. 7 billion minus 1 criminally insane dictator = A far better world. 

 The ICC has announced that it is officially looking for a token, 17-year-old, conscripted, Russian foot soldier. To be charged with 17 token crimes against humanity. To be tried in 17 years time over a period of 17 years for these same 17 crimes. What is known in the ambulance chaser trade as a "nice little earner!"

 Shell has changed its stance after admitting it bought Russian oil from the evil, criminally insane, dictator. After intense criticism Shell is now withdrawing from Russia. 

 Talking of crimes against humanity: Genocidal McLardy's is continuing in Russia. Or was. It has now announced a temporary closure of its near 850 outlets but will continue to pay its staff. Ironically, they may see themselves as supporters of Ukraine. By helping to reduce the Russian population. It might speed things up if the they carpet bombed the Russian invasion convoy. With their crap dropped from a high enough altitude. Just a suggestion.


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