27 Mar 2022

27.3.2022 Day 3: The fine art of squirrelling.


 Sunday 27th 33F. Up at 4.30. Still a whole day and a night before the promised nurses and bed arrive. I looked up the manufacturer's morphine instructions. There were dire warnings about dose adjustments for age, weight etc.  No way! My wife has been having an lot of weird dreams and nightmares. That was why she as so keen to leave the hospital!

 I had an early night at 8.30 to make up for lost sleep. Felt unwell all day yesterday. Dizziness, headache, coughing the wet up in my chest, snotty nose, dry mouth.

 My wife had a slightly better day. Not having to be dragged around on the floor helped. The pie dish toilet was a huge relief. For both of us. Though it was soon discarded when I bought a lot of the largest, baby size, disposable nappies.

 My back hurts. Idiot! I cleared a dozen bin bags worth of "stuff" from outside. Plus half a trailer full of scrap metal and timber offcuts She had had squirrelled away. Not sure how I can empty the trailer with such limited opening hours locally. Dare I leave her alone for so long? 

 We've never had a single, extra bag of rubbish for the bin men in 25 years. Do they take extra bags stacked around the bin? I'll have to take it all to the end of the drive. 100 meters away. Just as I always do. They don't collect from outside our house. The logistics with increased loads is is terrifying!

 Next top priority is finding a wireless doorbell to wake me when my wife needs help. Being deaf and her voice so weak I can't hear her calling. I can check on her from the kitchen through two glazed doors. This helps not to disturb her by creeping into the living room. Though it isn't always obvious when she is awake.

 I just spent an hour [mid morning] clearing 10m^3 of mostly empty, cardboard boxes from the lean-to greenhouse. My wife had always hoped we'd move away from the local racists, criminals and peasants. It never happened. We could never find a house which suited her at a price we could remotely afford.

 The kommune [council] is going to have to send a rubbish lorry or weldmesh trailer. Even if I have to pay for the service it will save an awful amount of time. Which I don't have. Not to waste on throwing ten trailers worth around the recycling yard, container maze. While selfish old fools serial park their cars and trailers. Nose to tail in front of the most popular containers. Just to have their weekly gossip.

 My wife has volunteered to supervise the sorting of the living room detritus. Not rubbish. Just ornamental stuff I shall sell later at a flea market in the greenhouse. Or under an awning. Or both. A lifetime of ornament collecting needs a lot of new homes! Anybody want 200 china cats? What about 300? All very different! Bring your own packaging.

 My wife fell asleep. So I went back out and re-arranged the mass of cardboard boxes into a 50' long strip beside the drive. Just in case anybody turns up tomorrow. They might want to drive past my wife's lifetime collection of carefully stored, potential house move, packaging materials. 

 In the afternoon I added the pro-quality, sunscreen net to the roof of the lean-to greenhouse. The sun was shining on my wife's head. Then I made pancakes. My first ever! The Head Gardener managed to eat a whole one and was not without some faint praise. 😊


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