5 Jan 2022

5.01.2022 Good news on EU's "Green Gas" labelling:


Wednesday 5th 36F, very, very dark. 

A strange, almost threatening sky once it became light. Dark grey smudges and bright orange. The edges of the clouds ripped to shreds by the wind. It did not feel as cold as it might. Though I kept my gloves on between taking snaps of the sky.  Just a few wandering gulls today. 

My third "booster" jab is due this afternoon.


Good news on the EU officials calling natural [Russian] gas "green." The guilty will not be prosecuted for corruption. [Despite being suspected of receiving huge Russian backhanders.] 

Prosecutors at the [Ineffective] International Criminal Court [It's Not Cricket!] have accepted a plea deal. The guilty officials will now spend a lifetime in a 5-star, top security, mental hospital for the criminally insane. [Without chance of parole.] 

This is considered a "safe" result for the ICC. Which usually tries only non-commissioned officers and "the lower ranks" for crimes against humanity. Often dragging out trials and investigations for decades at obscene expense.

There was much talk about converting natural gas into the [supposedly] "clean fuel" for the Hydrogen Economy. Completely missing the point that MUCH LESS CO2 would be produced if they simply burnt the [natural] gas as usual. Not to mention massive efficiency losses in conversion and building all the necessary hardware.

Another, so-called "Green-washing" ploy much abused by the dirty carbon producers. All desperate to continue making their world-destroying, taxpayer-subsidized, tax-free profits at the expense of humanity. Their tax-deductible, "funding" of bought politicians and their parties ensures nothing is being done about climate change.


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