11 Jan 2022

11.01.2022 Clown's Lifetime Achievement Award guarantees a nighthood. [Hic!]


Tuesday 11th 36F, breezy with a heavy overcast. 08.30. Still waiting for it to get light. I can see the trees moving in the wind against a leaden sky.

The wind was quite cold but not too unpleasant with my hood up. A couple of birds of prey flew over. Traffic quite light.


 Today's positive lunacy: The Clown in Residence, of the UK Commoner's [Who Gives a Flying Fuck?] Circus has announced that putting crowns on beer glasses was his lifetime achievement. 

 The entire country is still waiting. [With beery breath] To hear if The Clown will be fined for holding huge, drunken parties against strict, lock-down rules. At his plush, Louis 14th inspired, Down Your Street, palace pad. Meanwhile, Carrie Antoinette, The Clown puppet's mouthpiece, maintained a rare and deafening silence on the subject. Probably wallowing in the solid gold bath denied to Chump.

 It is further reported that The Fake Hill, at Marble Arch in London, is to be replaced by a unique, Giza Pyramid. The Great Pyramid of Cheops was already slated for demolition. To make way for more, tourist, car parking and camel ride vendors. The pyramid was going cheap as a very secondhand pile of rubble. [Buyer takes it away!] Described as having a very poor, original patina. After countless tourists had bought souvenir cladding stonework [chopping boards and place mat sets.] And/or covered it in urine graffiti over the millennia. 

 Talking of public transport: The vast fleet of bulldozers. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of tipper trucks. All ploughing through the center of Copenhagen to build an artificial, island resort. Will run on recycled [i.e.Used] lager. 

 This is the first <cough> concrete idea to fight the heating climate by the Danish Government. [Elected twenty year ago on climate promises.] The island resort will maximize sunbathing spaces. Until the developers buy up every square inch with laundered, offshore funds. To build upmarket skyscrapers for Denmark's super rich.

 On a similarly, warm note: The last seven years were the warmest ever recorded. The Siberians were dead chuffed. That is, until the methane, in the permafrost, started exploding under Putin's private motorways to The Gulags. 


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