25 Aug 2021

25.08.2021 Crosspatch hunter.


Wednesday 25th 58F, dark grey overcast and windy from the NW. Expected to remain so all day. 

It started drizzling and blowing as I left the gate and the shelter of the garden trees behind me. The prairie had finally been harvested. So I used that as a chance to wander over new ground. Sadly the rain reduced visibility. Making my images look out of focus. Even at one hundred meters, the juvenile ducks on the marsh pond retreated on automatic pilot.

Later, I spotted this damp and furry crosspatch huddled in another field. The hunting must have been slower than the prey. Fortunately the misty rain petered out as I plodded back along the road. With the lofty, roadside poplars hissing in the wind overhead. Sounding just like tyre roar at times. Despite there being no sign of cars coming when I repeatedly glanced back. Yesterday's RTA drama had become just a fading memory this morning. No doubt more deeply etched on the psyche of those actually involved.

An afternoon shopping trip in the car, in rain. Masked as always. The only one in the village.


Thought for the day?

The thoughts of deranged, corrupt and tyrannical, genocidal, multi-billionaire, Sly "Plague" Jinping? Seriously? Do they never learn?


The last Chinese moron with any "thoughts" caused the deaths of up to 80 million, real Chinese people. Mao the Merciless. Genocidal maniac. Couldn't organise a piss up if he controlled a thousand, Chinese breweries. The perfect example of why every political ideology needs free and open criticism. To hold up a mirror to the truly evil and deranged, cult leader. 

Hitler had his thoughts too. It brought every blood thirsty, raving lunatic out of the woodwork. He only managed to murder a fraction of Mao's final score. Stalin must be spinning in his grave at his own paltry score. 

Communism is estimated to have cost 150 million deaths worldwide. Yet still the corrupt butchers try to pretend that theirs is the only way forwards. God knows how many deaths The Church is responsible for over several millennia. Though it can't hold a candle to the communists. The Church had the grave disadvantage of a much smaller population to rape, torture and murder.


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