11 Aug 2021

11.08.2021 Abandon hope.


Wednesday 11th 53F, bright but variable cloud again. Just my usual walk in bright sunshine. It felt much warmer than the temperature [64F] suggested. Traffic heavy.

The news is dire. Climate, wildfires, flooding, heat waves, Jinping Plague, extreme weather, conflict, dictatorship, public unrest. Football?

Can you imagine if the world abandoned "dirty" energy sources, like gas, for home heating? If they all went over to heat pumps there would need to be three times as many windmills. Three times the area of solar farms. That is just to maintain supposed parity with today's home heating, energy consumption. 

Then there are all the electric cars to be charged on a Grid built only for cities. Quadruple the need for electricity! The cost in new rural infrastructure alone would cripple most countries economically. There would be nothing left to buy costly US munitions.

With the world so badly organised, that only a very few psychopaths make global decisions, we should be honest about this. Either the politicooze classes are utterly powerless to make the necessary changes. Or, they have abandoned the majority of people on the planet to their doom. Future generations do not even apply in the short term thinking between elections. How else do you explain the lack of real progress? It can't be to save money. The cost of the damage is already in the trillions. And we haven't seen anything yet.


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