16 Aug 2021

16.08.2021 Freedom is the default state for humanity.


Monday 16th 54F, overcast with rain promised. It remained overcast for my walk. The Marsh harriers became three, very briefly and then there were two. Newly harvested fields offered new viewpoints for my camera.


Human society is absolutely reliant on opposition for progress. Even basic survival. History is drenched in the blood of those who resisted an absolute monopoly of power, or thought.

Without opposition, human DNA, in every aspect of live and thought, quickly becomes corrupted. The cancer of rule by denial of freedom of thought becomes a pandemic. Crippling all chance of human progress.

Those who would suppress alternative ideas are the masters of their own doom. When it becomes forbidden to express alternative thinking, then the monopoly becomes, by default, the builder of mass graves.

Man's worst behaviour always arises from the closed mind. The worshipper of unnatural laws and their idiotic makers, is always a death cult. When weak men gain power, by brutish behaviour, then the savages are loosed. The psychopaths can only flourish when the environment is beneficial to blood letting. All restraints on basic human decency are then cast off. Whether they be Nazis or bankers.

Cults can be as small as a local "nutter." Lording it over their weak-minded disciples. Or a nation of fascists, religiooze or communists. Dictatorship, by any other means, would smell just as foul. 

Wisdom is so rare a human commodity that we must spread the potential damage amongst at least two committees. One to temporarily do its least worst. While the other waits for its turn to do equally badly. 

One might argue that a third or fourth committee is vital to share the load. The enormous advantage of committees is that few will agree. Given the freedom to do so. While they argue in closed rooms they cannot be harming the people. Except by inactivity. Though, fortunately, this is highly unlikely except in dire circumstances.

A free press is taken for granted. There is no other, safe way, to govern mankind. How else will the narcissistic buffoons, behind their over-sized desks, measure the width of their cloth? 

How do you measure the quality of leadership? It is impossible without the freedom to express your delight and displeasure at the drooling clowns on their tottering egos. It is an absolute requirement that those who would rise up the toiling pyramid of humanity are subject to cartoon and dirty joke alike. 

Only when every member of society has a voice and a potential critic, will humanity be in overdrive towards the stars. When more than two agree it soon leads to positive feedback and circular thinking. Religion and dictatorship are equally happy, extremist bedfellows. Note that they are both, almost inevitably male. Both have equally weak minds and both are thoroughly evil.

And there lies the problem. Denied the free and creative input of wiser women, men must always default to chanting savages. 

Save us from deranged zealots! One rule for all. No exceptions. Nature abhors a monopoly. Far more than a vacuum of power. 

Self-praise is no recommendation. [At all!] 



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