3 Oct 2020

3.10.2020 Hydroksy.. hydro.. hydrocyklor.. damnit! Just gimme bleach!


Saturday 3rd 56F very heavy overcast and windy. Gales is a better term. North-easterly and occasionally fierce. A walk to the lanes to see vast swarms of fidgety gulls, clouds of Wood pigeons, flocks of Chaffinches and distant starlings. 

The gulls kept rising on rumours. To disperse in their hundreds from their familiar, overnight roost on a freshly tilled field. Only the brief, white flash of their wings allowed me to identify the Chaffinches. Otherwise they were invisible against the soil.

Sicko von Chump [German immigrant, wanted for major tax evasion] is said to be doing well. As he floats like a hippo in a large, heated, solid gold bath of swimming pool disinfectant. He suggested this special treatment for himself as the rich daddy's version of his "Chump's Own Patent Medicine." [Instead of getting a backstreet abortionist's $50 shot of cheap, supermarket bleach.] What he really meant to ask for was a bath of hydroxychloroquine. Tragically he couldn't pronounce it properly in his heavily accented, European, mafia boss's, fake, Southern drawl. 

No news on The Lady Melania's progress after her recently publicised attack on illegal immigrants. Some sources said she had suggested that [other] immigrant women should: "Get their kit off, grab themselves a f***ing billionaire by the balls and don't ever let go!" This sounds like useful advice coming straight from the [pedigree] horse's mouth. It's not all bad news though. At least her security staff no longer need to protect her from Impotus. 



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