23 Oct 2020

23.10.2020 Never forget that they are pushing product.


Friday 23rd 51F, raining, heavy overcast and windy after heavy rain overnight. A walk to the lanes while trying to avoid tyre spray from those who can never be bothered to alter their path. I changed the bottom bracket but reaching the large ring with the front changer is still marginal. I can just about get it to change if I use the small end of the cassette. I have other front changers in a box hidden somewhere in the trike shed. As usual I'm just not sure where. There were brief views of the sun later before the overcast took over.


Moving from one, dumb, idiotic superstition to the next is but one small step for man. One step forwards and two back, for mankind. Superstition is the one form of raving insanity which does not automatically lead straight to the asylum. Ask any, appeal court judge, cardinal or preacher.

Believe anything you like. Just don't demand I accept your wild and often evil, fantasies. Denial of human rights is the usual hallmark. Of your mental jackboots stamping repeatedly on the innocent. The hypocrites always need witches to burn. In order to maintain their absolute control over your village [idiot] mentality. There's [literally] one born every minute.

The purveyors of your precious snake oil will say anything to avoid your discovering unadorned reality. How else will they maintain their seizure over your crippled mind? When push comes to shove, will your puppet master give up his next, free, supersized, meal ticket? Just to admit the hideous truth?

That you are just another pawn in his lifelong, sociopathic plan. For building his fantasy prisons for your mind. Always and transparently out of thin air. The place here he can entertain his every whim. By endlessly torturing your feeble psyche. With any load of [very old] bølløcks which occurs to him. 

He is the perpetual, playground bully and your personal saviour alike. And you, the naive chump who willingly gives up your dinner money for ephemeral recognition. Because only He can prevent your sky from falling. Even if you do not believe in his fairy tales you are actually noticed as being present. Instead of playing the "extra" in your own life. 

Question everything you have been told to believe. Weigh its true value and its real cost, to yourself and its parasitic vendors. Truth is not weighed by the number of downtrodden billions. All too afraid to question their parent's brainwashing from before the cradle. Nor by the arguments of the professional cynic, cult leader, political candidate or influencer. Judge them by their own deeds. Not by their empty promises. Designed to empower, only themselves. Always at your own expense.



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