2 Oct 2020

2.10.2020 Chump pulls a sicky in a desperate bid to catch the late sympathy vote as postal voting threatens to roast him alive.


Friday 2nd 58-60F, very heavy overcast and expected to be windy all day. It was spitting with rain but with barely a breeze as I plodded against the speeding traffic. I took to the verges with each passing to avoid a free "car wash." 

The foul stench of death hung on the air from all the dead rats splattered on the road. Why so many? Have they caught the Jinping Plague from the mink farms? 

A fully self-entitled, Scottish MP has travelled to London to speak in The Houses of Parliament while knowingly suffering the symptoms of Jinping Plague. Meanwhile PM "Boris The Clown" Johnson's father was unmasked while shopping. One rule for the entitled. Another for everybody else? Of course.

Cycling continues to grow in popularity. With new,  but still miniscule expenditure being invested in cycle routes. Previously, the selfish barstewards, who insisted on sitting in comfort in endless traffic queues, could control cycling. The vast majority of new cyclists are previous public transport commuters. So the selfish car drivers still prefer to drive incredibly slowly, right up to the door of their workplace. It was ever thus. Climate change? Feel my chromed tailpipes!

Chump and his current spouse have a "slight case of flu which will soon be over." The number of dead and dying he leaves in his blood-soaked tracks will never be truly known. Chump's chumps [followers] need not worry though: The Devil prefers to have his minions doing their worst well into ripe old age. Though if The Devil knows the outcome of the coming election he may well decide to "retire" his loyal servant. Has Biden been infected by Chump during their recent screaming match? The Devil only knows!


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